Friday, January 17, 2025

Spew By Wayne F. Burke

vomiting chunks into the

river, while

hanging over the bridge

railing as

my drinking buddy, an

ex ski bum pot-smoking 

hippy, waits

patiently, through the

up rush and

gush, as

all my sickness

and self-disgust over

what I had become--

what I was--

came to the surface.

Wayne F. Burke's poetry and prose has been widely published in print and online (including in THE RYE WHISKEY REVIEW). He was nominated for a Pushcart by THE DOPE FIEND DAILY in 2022. He lives in Vermont (USA).

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Poet By Manny Grimaldi

“In 762, Li Po’s wandering ends south of the Yangtze River, at someone else’s house, when he falls into a river and drowns trying to embrace the moon.”

 —David Hinton, The Selected Poems of Li Po

The moon is that which does not come and go.

The moon always agrees with water.

She hides, she is my eye moving as the earth turns.

She stands as light, my true mother to my father.

Moon holds, reflects him, where he shines—

in the clouded eyes of crones, 

and boys and young girls,

moon changes with the time. Many moons 

mirage in puddles during rainstorms.

Moons feed artists and madmen at night.

And my lover wonders why I write

about a Chinese poet with the sight who’s drowned 

himself, her hunger a yawn for lunatic stories 

lapping on Li Po’s dock. 

So, such ripples of night’s white apple convict. 

This moment of peace. The green shallows 

fill lungs with water and with smiles— 

I sleep soundlessly. I am a mere piece of fruit-fall

for beautiful mirrors and rivers of charity, 

these—inviting bone-whites, fingers speak

sweetly, every syllable a clarity

to strum a song that I would die for,

to flock with fish 

beneath the stream.

Manny Grimaldi is a Kentucky writer and editor at Yearling Poetry Journal with two 

books Riding Shotgun with the Mothman and Ex Libris Ioannes Cerva. His third book,

slated for the near future is with Whiskey City Press on the subject of how to royally

fuck up every single relationship you’ve ever had. Without exception. He lives

with two stupid feathery bipeds and the dishes are never done.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

October : Buildings near the Highway Have Some of their Lights Left On By John Doyle

Sunken through its face

this concrete skeleton's teeth makes light

pick out exaggerated cars on its skinny highway,

swallowing souls whose birthdays pack today like a sardine tin

controlled by so many wheels I wonder where they could possibly go

to escape the judgements of the bone-tinted light,

appearing from the mouths of buildings,

and the skull-shaped concrete

perched behind broccoli trees

wobbling a worried wind that tries to wobble broccoli trees back

and everyone assumes 

it's a language of vision and silence that poems magically fall from

Half man, half creature of very odd habi. t, John Doyle dabbles in poetry when other forms of alchemy and whatnot just don't meet his creative needs. From County Kildare in Ireland, he is (let's just politely say) closer to 50 than 21.

Friday, January 3, 2025

ALL OF THEM By Michael Minassian

Driving through New England,

I notice small towns

all have a cemetery 

crowded with tombstones,

weathered and leaning

into each other 

like old friends.

How many dead people

are buried there? 

I hear my father’s voice

ask years ago—

All of them, he’d say,

then laugh at his own joke.

The dead don’t mind,

having sailed away

like widows and warriors

taken by surprise

when the night sky

sinks into a fishbowl,

and the stars blink

out one by one.

MICHAEL MINASSIAN lives with his wife in Southern New England. He is a Contributing Editor for Verse-Virtual, an online poetry journal. His poetry collections Time is Not a River, Morning Calm, and A Matter of Timing as well as a chapbook, Jack Pays a Visit, are all available on Amazon. For more information:


Monday, December 30, 2024

Dirty Women (For Ozzy) by Alex S. Johnson

They don't just stand in doorways

Although lurking is their mode of choice

Where it comes to crimes of 
the heart

Their glittering eyes speak volumes 

Their elaborate boudoir languors 
change perception and

Charge reality with 

A fuck-fusion of forms 

A tension insurmountable 

A vast need for release 

but into what vessel?

In his book Specimen Days,
Walt Whitman talks about

Fucking the earth

He would wrestle saplings beside
streams while

Declaiming his carnal verse to the 
clouds and grass and animals

Dirty women are my bane and my ecstasy 

I loved you and miss you
I loved you and miss you
I loved you and miss you

Miss you miss you miss you.

Alex S. Johnson has been called "the Baudelaire of our time; the poet of the underground" by no less than John Shirley, Bram Stoker Award-winning author, songwriter for BLUE OYSTER CULT and principal screenwriter of THE CROW (1994). Shirley also contributed the original story "Lonely is the Word" to Johnson's forthcoming charity anthology for Children of the Night, Inc., HAND OF DOOM: A LITERARY TRIBUTE TO BLACK SABBATH, which also features such dark fiction heavyweights as Anna Taborska, John Palisano, Gemma Files and Christi Nogle. Johnson is the author of numerous books including SKULL VINYL: POEMS 2012-2017, acquired for its cultural significance by the Widener Library at Harvard University. Johnson runs Nocturnicorn Books with Alea Celeste Williams and lives in Carmichael, California with his family. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

the reality that awaits them By J.J. Campbell

a pounding headache

with any luck you'll

be dead by the morning

the woman of your dreams

is off fucking her true lover

and if you ever want to let

the young poets know

that is the reality

that awaits them

dancing with the devil

is reserved for a higher

class of degenerate

get used to the sewers

to the cheap booze

to women as lost

as you truly are

she swore she could

shit out rainbows if

given enough drugs

would you rather eat

or be entertained

she said she knows

a guy a few blocks

away that sells some

good shit

old enough to know now

that is never a good sign

J.J. Campbell (1976 - ?) is old enough to know better. He's been widely published over the years, most recently at Synchronized Chaos, Disturb the Universe Magazine, The Beatnik Cowboy, Lothlorien Poetry Journal and Black Coffee Review. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (

Friday, December 27, 2024

My first visit to the Pagan festival By Brian Rosenberger

I visited the Pagan fest yesterday. 

Not that I’m a practicing or non-practicing Pagan. 

I was curious and wanted to see what it was all about. 

Old school mythology has always been an interest

Since I was a kid – Norse, Roman. Greek, Egyptian.

Those stories always held more interest to me

Than those told in Sunday school.

The fest was kind of a bust. No human sacrifices. 

No half naked women dancing around, 

Chanting at the moon 

At least not when I was there, just after lunch.

No goats, no black cats, no toads,

Nothing resembling a witch’s familiar,

Other than some annoying, toad-looking kids.

Not even a single broomstick in sight.

Just a lot of incense, homemade soap, fake fairy wings,

Tea samples, rodent bones, Tarot decks,

Folk art with chickens, cows, and tornadoes,

And people who wanted to chat. 

I asked about the ceremony 

Involving a sacrifice and orgy afterwards. 

Did entrance to that cost extra?

Would condoms be provided? 

Or wipes to clean off the blood?

The festival goers who previously wanted to chat

Suddenly lost all interest.

God damn close-minded pagans.

Brian Rosenberger lives in a cellar in Marietta, GA and writes by the light of captured fireflies. He is the author of As the Worm Turns and three poetry collections - Poems That Go Splat, And For My Next Trick..., and Scream for Me.

Spew By Wayne F. Burke

vomiting chunks into the river, while hanging over the bridge railing as my drinking buddy, an ex ski bum pot-smoking  hippy, waits patientl...