Tuesday, September 10, 2019

That Time Robert Priest Farted At a Reading and Everyone Knew It by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

It was after this reading at this little red school house
out in the middle of nowhere
and at the conclusion of the reading everyone went back
to this farm house property with wild cats
and as a couple of us sat around at this table
having some beers, the most horrible smell
wafted over everything.  Robert Priest had been
the headline reader and now he was lying
just feet away on the side of a dried out fountain
with his ass facing us.  I think it’s Priest, someone said.
He had raised one of his legs to spread the smell.
My god! a woman with us covered her nose.
I had my face in my shirt by this time.
And my thumb over the lip of my beer.
Priest just laid there as though nothing had happened.
Staring up at the many stars in the night sky.
He hadn’t stunk it up at the reading earlier in the day
but he sure as hell did later that night.  And everyone
knew it.  Robert Priest most of all.

About Ryan Quinn Flanagan:

Ryan Quinn Flanagan guards the Northern Wall for The Frat with his army of horny unicorns and 4/5ths of the Village People.  His private jet is a tax write-off and most of his first edition moose dulaps as well.  He is Scott's Simmons' father and wants Scott to know that he has been a very naughty boy and to get the spanking paddle out of the closet.

Here is a link to Ryan's New Book "Leaving Las Vegas Poems": 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Little Fat Boy by Dan Provost

We all have cause
to bleed a little
when the night is lonely and
the call of death is all
Dampen the sheets with invalid
dreams, widen the escape
hatches around the closet…
Blood forming around the
toy model of R2D2 that was
glued together in third grade.
You were a virgin
toadstool then.
A face looking to be
punched by anyone in a bad mood on
the playground.

Sure, those memories will lead to
an early grave…
No one wants to be kicked around.
But you are hemorrhaging now…
Mom and dad have been buried a long time.
“Shut up and take it,” You little pussy boy...
“I’m sure they will say nice things at
your funeral.”

About Dan Provost: 

Dan Provost's poetry has been published throughout the small press for many years.  He is the author of nine books and lives in Berlin, New Hampshire with his wife, Laura--and their Bichon Frisce...Bella.

The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson

The leaves scuttle, are singed and the meat is pink if you  Stab it just a bit it oozes blood Like your tender astronomy A side of sidereal,...