Saturday, October 12, 2019

Waiting For Laundry by Alyssa Trivett

Do I go outside and fake plead to my neighbor
that I am out of sugar?
I decided not to, and instead checked the car
but there weren't any issues.
Clocks tick and tock,
play I Spy with me in the foyer.
There's a poetry book I got for free from a co-worker,
I placed it on some other nook
and cranny, just as how I misplaced my keys
for seven and a half minutes this morning.
I chugged a cuppa coffee
and pretended to vacuum.
When that metal box rattles and
the basketball buzzer goes on the fritz,
you know where I'll be.

About Alyssa Trivett:

Alyssa Trivett is a wandering soul from the Midwest. When not working two jobs, she listens to music while chirping down coffee and scrawling lines on the back of gas station receipts. Her work has appeared in many places (including the trash bin), but most recently at The Rye Whiskey Review.

The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson

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