Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Ending by Skaja Evens

I deserved better than I received, and I take responsibility for being there. 
For my part.

It's not worth it to me to be angry. All you did was show me the person you are. 
You warned me, repeatedly, about your reality.

I played with fire. 
I got burned.

Not sorry it happened, cause I learned.

I am rising like a phoenix. Without you.

Skaja Evens is a writer and artist living in Southeast Virginia. She runs It Takes All Kinds, a litzine published by Mōtus Audāx Press. She’s been published with Spillwords Press, The Dope Fiend Daily, The Rye Whiskey Review, and The Crossroads Lit Magazine. She can often be found listening to music, considering the impossible, and enjoying her cats’ antics.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bite Marks by John Patrick Robbins

Beautiful scars to tarnish the rose's bloom.

Enraptured in death, the embrace of life lingers within this tormented ecstasy.

Whimpers of pleasure embrace the depths; the scents linger, as the energy never will.

To consume is but our nature, so let's welcome in our most primal desires and devour whatever remains after the fire's intrusion.

A simple nick , a sting of pain reminds us life borders upon the precipice of eternal slumber's escape.

I will leave you with a reminder of this excursion from your mundane existence, well lit, socially accepted path.

But may I remind you no matter our devilish endeavors, I will leave you all the same.



John Patrick Robbins, is the editor in chief of the Rye Whiskey Review and The Black Shamrock Magazine.

His work has been published in.
Fixator Press, Impspired Magazine, It Takes All Kinds, Horror Sleaze Trash, Punk Noir Magazine, Piker Press and here at the Dope Fiend Daily.

His newest book is titled Are We Dead Yet? and is published by Black Circle Publishing.

Available on Amazon.


The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson

The leaves scuttle, are singed and the meat is pink if you  Stab it just a bit it oozes blood Like your tender astronomy A side of sidereal,...