Monday, June 26, 2023

Upon Our Winter By JPR & Tracey Sivek

Seasons change hearts seldom ever do. 
There’s a bit of agony in that, moving through the minefields left behind as we seek so desperately to feel the sun. 

With memories encapsulated masked with our truths. 
The trip was vacant as the sands that lay barren ahead. 
A wastelands postcard of sorted stories. 
We preferred not to pen. 

Still it lingers in the caverns of the heart. Stillborn dreams with haunting void eyes. There will never be a more powerful apocalypse, 
than the one we’ve created.

We stand worn full circle laughing at the shambles of society. 
Hells witness pairs greatly within your light.

Tracey is a native of Northern Michigan.  She has work on Writerscafe and Cosmofunnel.  She is also the Author of "Zero Evidence of Life" found on Her publications include.
The Abyss, Under The Bleachers , The Rye Whiskey Review and The Dope Fiend Daily.

JPR is a southern gothic writer.

His work has been published in Svartedauden Zine, Piker Press, It Takes All Kinds Literary Zine, Fixator Press, Spill The Words Press, Sava Press, Fearless Poetry Zine and here at The Dope Fiend Daily.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Just Kidding by Toni Parisi

I dialed a dumb whore up who really had been getting on my nerves as of late.
The automated voice on the phone said. 

Sorry, but your call can not be completed as dialed.
I should of known you can't call yourself.

Toni Parisi is from Alexandria Virginia she does not consider herself a writer more so a hot-mess that tries to write.

Monday, June 5, 2023

 I Drank The Kool-Aid By JPR

For once, I believed the cup runneth over with shared admiration and over-inflated egos.

The poison is toxic upon every level, the addiction so very appealing as they all are.

I was consumed slowly until I found myself equally amoungsnt those inwhich I did despise.

No truth needs to interrupt your delusion as we shun all those that bear the light of reality's stain.

So, we hide as we decompose.

Rotted in self-imposed exile  buried alive in a narcissist delusion.

The window dressings allure seldom matches the truth protected behind a thin wall of glass.

This poison we share is a pleasant-tasting disease.

Are we broken or merely pleasantly demented?

Allow myself to be within your depths so I can feel the emptiness within that's equal to my own.

We are the nights burden alone a mass suicide's painted headline.

Too fractured to envision anything beyond the inevitable.

Did we not entertain?

JPR is a southern gothic writer.

His work has been published in Svartedauden Zine, Piker Press, It Takes All Kinds Literary Zine, Fixator Press, Spill The Words Press, Sava Press, Fearless Poetry Zine and here at The Dope Fiend Daily.

The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson

The leaves scuttle, are singed and the meat is pink if you  Stab it just a bit it oozes blood Like your tender astronomy A side of sidereal,...