Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hooker on Fifth and Hennepin asks me for a handout by Alex Stolis

Her eyebrows are painted on, slightly angled
in a Catwoman cartoon kind of way, fishnets 
torn straight across her thigh, she's holding an 
unlit Pall Mall, skinny purse banging her hip. 
I’m Dylan with his hands jammed in pockets 
shoulders hunched, both of us seriously under
dressed for winter, her hair dyed black chopped 
short but still hiding her eyes she catches my
attention with a wink, asks for a light, I tell her 
I quit smoking, gave it up for Lent, she nods 
says babes I only need your fire, she’s sincere 
in that real as shit street life worn down but not
out kind of way. I ask to bum one from her, she 
hands it to me, nails a chipped champagne pink, 
I give her a five, brace for the incoming rain.

Alex Stolis lives in Minneapolis; he has had poems published in numerous journals. Two full length collections Pop. 1280, and John Berryman Died Here were released by Cyberwit and available on Amazon. His work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Piker’s Press, Jasper's Folly Poetry Journal, Beatnik Cowboy, One Art Poetry, Black Moon Magazine, and Star 82 Review. His chapbook, Postcards from the Knife-Thrower's Wife, was released by Louisiana Literature Press in 2024. RIP Winston Smith is forthcoming from Allen Buddha Press. He has been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart Prize. 

The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson

The leaves scuttle, are singed and the meat is pink if you  Stab it just a bit it oozes blood Like your tender astronomy A side of sidereal,...