Friday, January 25, 2019


This diet of salsa and meringue 
weds ricochet to boomerang, 
wrecking ball to rocking chair. 
Arquebus quells harlequin 
as balsa envies the hickory 
and will urges the unwilling. 
Where cutter’s bow ignores the buoy.
Like orangutans with the palsy 
We do that salsa and merengue. 

(My proud mother ego muse wanted me to make a lyric that was silvery articulate, wanted me to create music that was wildly meticulous; id wanted to make magic, a heroic playboy image with a song instead that leered. – Duane Vorhees)

About Duane Vorhees:

Duane Vorhees used to teach. Now he doesn't. he used to live in Canada, Korea, Japan, Thailand... Now he doesn't. He used to be young. Now he isn't. He was never rich and still isn't, but he is happy with his wife and son. He spends the rest of his time proprietoring a daily creative arts site and hopes you will drop by and sit a spell.

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