Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Dope Dealer by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

he said
he didn’t deal
to kids
because that was
against his morals
even though I was pretty
sure he didn’t have
any of those;
he had plenty of drugs:
uppers, downers, over the counter,
under the counter, little black ones
that did who knows what…
and his girlfriends always worked
in pharmacies or hospitals
stealing the pads or the drugs
and the rest of it he got
and moved on the street
with all these numbers on his phone
and I remember asking him once
how many of those numbers
were really narcs
which he didn’t find funny
at all
and when he got pinched
with enough to be charged
with intent to distribute
and his girls all played dumb
and testified against him
to save themselves
he found it even
less so.

About Ryan Quinn Flanagan:

Ryan Quinn Flanagan is a Canadian-born author residing in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada with his wife and many bears that rifle through his garbage.  His work can be found both in print and online in such places as: Evergreen Review, The New York Quarterly, Horror Sleaze Trash, In Between Hangovers, The Dope Fiend Daily, and The Oklahoma Review

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