Monday, April 22, 2019

An Actual Turd by Brian Rihlmann

we believe
we must have
our "shit together"

you know...
the car shiny
the bed made
the house clean
and bills paid

(hey, that rhymes!)

own the latest gadgets
and the newest fashions
have our hair glued into place
just right

the garage organized
on top of things at work
our relationships in order

only healthy
loving relationships

and only with those
who have their
"shit together" too

we must have
all this

or there is unease...

but how do we expect this
when we can't even
squeeze out
an actual turd
the way we would like?

one swipe

About Brian Rihlmann:

Brian Rihlmann was born in NJ, and currently lives in Reno, NV. He writes mostly semi autobiographical, confessional free verse. He has been published in Constellate Magazine, Under The Bleachers, Cajun Mutt Press, and has an upcoming piece in The American Journal Of Poetry.

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