Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Chit-Chat by David Boski

I know a few people
who constantly want to
be around others
socializing and talking
about nothing in particular.
It doesn’t even matter,
as long as they’re not alone,
that’s the only thing
they can’t stand.
So, every night they make
plans to see somebody,
to spend time with another
mouth breather, and
sometimes these people
ask me to join them, and
sometimes I say yes,
but mostly I make an excuse,
or just tell them that I’m busy.
It’s not that I don’t like them;
some I consider friends, while
others are merely acquaintances.
It’s just that human beings
tend to drain my energy
and the conversations often
become tedious, which leads
me to buying more expensive
drinks at the bar, as every one
helps cut through the monotony.
And as I sit here writing this poem,
none of these people have contacted
me yet tonight; hopefully, it stays that
way, cause I’m in no mood for chit-chat.

About David Boski:

David Boski lives in Toronto, his poems have appeared in: Under The Bleachers, Down in the Dirt, Horror Sleaze Trash, Synchronized Chaos, Winamop, Outlaw Poetry, Spadina Literary Review, and elsewhere. His forthcoming chapbook "Perhaps You're A Cunt?" will be released by Analog Submission Press soon. Holy&intoxicated Publications will be releasing his second chapbook "Fist Fighting and Fornication" in the summer months. 

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