Wednesday, May 15, 2019

On the Recreational Drug Use of Dolphins by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

Puffer fish are usually lethal, but not for dolphins.
When a dolphin grabs a puffer fish it releases a toxin.
Not only is the dolphin unharmed, but it gets high.
The effects of the toxin are similar to a psychedelic drug.
And the pod of dolphins take turns getting high.
They pass the puffer fish around so everyone gets a toke.
Until the entire pod is stoned.
Then they release the puffer fish unharmed.
And swim upside down near the surface of the water.
Watching their own reflection with great amazement.
For an inordinate amount of time.

About Ryan Quinn Flanagan:

Ryan Quinn Flanagan guards the Northern Wall for The Frat with his army of horny unicorns and 4/5ths of the Village People.  His private jet is a tax write-off and most of his first edition moose dulaps as well.  He is Scott's Simmons' father and wants Scott to know that he has been a very naughty boy and to get the spanking paddle out of the closet.


  1. When I die, I'LL BE Back ❤ As A DOLPHIN !! Sounds better than what I planned on doing, coming back as a big dog & pooping on Donald Trump's yard & other jerks yards too! The list would be too long to name them all. SO IT'S A DOLPHIN'S LIFE LIFE FOR ME! Thanks so much, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, I Love This One!! 👍👍😎

  2. Wow! LOL... You truly do learn something new everyday- haha... Awesome write as always! Congrats!

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Sausages By Bruce Morton

We are all sausages In our skin linked together. Blood, bone, meat put Through the daily grind. Some red, some brown, Some white, each flavo...