Thursday, June 20, 2019

Now Hiring by John Patrick Robbins

A woman I was dating at the time called me lazy I ran multiple mags did reviews ran a press.

I never cared to work at something I hated.
Maybe it's why I continually remained single.

I had holes in my shoes my glasses were held together with super glue and on my best day I looked disheveled.

I was great at everything that didn't pay me a dime.
And a first rate fuck up on every other level.

I did a radio show where the host off air said to me.

“Man you're a full time editor, you have written two books your the man.”

His view of success was seriously a bit delusional but I didn't shatter his illusion of my greatness.

Newsflash Santa isn't real and writing is nothing but for the most part unrewarding work.

I'm a lot of things and a total prick but least I am an honest one.

About John Patrick Robbins:

    John Patrick Robbins 

Is the author of Sex , Drugs & Poetry from Whiskey City Press .

He is also the editor of The Rye Whiskey Review and Under The Bleachers. 

His publications include , Ariel Chart , The San Pedro River Review , The Mojave River Review , Piker Press , Punk Noir Magazine, Beatnik Cowboy , Fixator Press, Blognostics and here at the Dope Fiend Daily .

His work is always unfiltered. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is something you seldom see in a writer. Honesty .Love it, TWO THUMBS UP


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