Monday, July 15, 2019

Delicatessen Tray by James Kenneth Blaylock

saying goodbye to anyone is always hard,
especially whenever you gave everything

feels like taking your heart and putting it upon a delicatessen tray, choose slivers

whatever remains once they leave, in time,
is what you’re supposed to survive with now,

so don’t allow too many butchers to make
mincemeat appetizers out of your innards

About James Kenneth Blaylock:

James Kenneth Blaylock is a author/poet/lyricist/writer/spoken word and recording artist. He was born and breed in Dallas, Tx. He has been blessed to published stateside and abroad. He has 2 books (“Born With Our Clocks Running “ & “We Wander With Our Candles Lit” )available wherever books are sold online. He adores his children. His hobbies include, but are limited to, listening to music and watching movies. Also, let’s not forget reading, he loves to read other human being’s thoughts and feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Love that ending, James. Strong poem about keeping that center of who you are, no matter what.


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