Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Road to Hell is Paved with Writers Review by Scott Simmons

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Writers is by no means a small book but due to Ryan Quinn Flanagan’s signature sense of wit and humor he is able to capture the readers attention from cover to cover. Ryan Quinn Flanagan has successfully captured quite a bit of his personal life into this book and highlights many interesting moments with those around him. In writes such as Among Friends (page 52) and How Canadian Babies Are Made (page 10) he accurately depicts humorous discussions that we personally had and truly brought them to life.

However outside of the laughs Ryan also weaved in some truthful criticisms about writing and the writing community which is demonstrated in Blurbs And Forwards (page 246) and the titular write The Road To Hell Is Paved With Writers (page 28) as both of these writes show the truly consuming nature of writing poetry in the current times/literary circles.

The good blend both of fun and critical tones throughout this book offer the reader quite a bit of variety and makes this long book feel as if it’s much shorter than it truly is. This book is an excellent addition to Whiskey City Press and a great collection for any fans of Ryan Quinn Flanagan. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a laugh and that wants to read an honest outlook on both life and the pains that are involved with being a writer. The Road to Hell Is Paved With Writers is a definite must read for any true fan of Ryan's work because it will not leave you disappointed.

Link to Ryan Quinn Flanagan's book:

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