Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Driving Stoned in North Chicago by PW Covington

I am driving stoned in North Chicago
Waukegan Avenue, all the way to Fountain Square
And, I’m hitting every light green, mile after mile
One of those cold April nights, when Winter reminds us
She’ll stay as long as she pleases

And I’d be jazzed
If things were different
If you hadn’t just told me about the biopsies
That came back malignant
And it’s spread
To the lymph nodes

But, not to tell anyone else, just yet

And, you brew coffee
Strong, boiled, stove top…dangerous
And we smoke in your kitchen
American Spirits from the yellow box,
Then, a joint of some hydro-grown sativa strain
We do the math in dog years, 8…maybe 7
Since we last shared space

Before Sacred Wounds set my words to wheels

It all flies by
Like driving stoned, at night
And hitting every light green
Red reserved for canvas tennis shoes
And other lanes of traffic
Other avenues
To heaven

About  PW Covington:

   PW Covington's writing is inspired by the grit and greatness of the North American highway.
he has been invited to perform across the hemisphere, and his short fiction collection North Beach and Other Stories was recently named a finalist in LGBTQ Fiction by the International Book Awards.
Follow him on Insta @BeatPW

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