Monday, August 12, 2019

Nicotine Chakras by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

wake up suddenly
in bed

beside a Gideon’s side table
along the highway
for $59/night

to clear your nose
and look for casualties

you can feel the thick ones

the bloody chunks
the jump out of your nose
into soft tissues
like revisiting the slaughterhouse
with someone else’s

the sink backed up
with old cigarette butts
from big tobacco

smoker’s cough
through the walls
like croupy nicotine

and the way the continental
breakfast sucks on every continent
worth counting

the front desk
afraid to come out
so that you hope he doesn’t
choose today

and that your car in the parking lot
is still there in the morning
so that when you pull away
from the curb on camera

all the others can see
how it should
be done.

About Ryan Quinn Flanagan:

Ryan Quinn Flanagan guards the Northern Wall for The Frat with his army of horny unicorns and 4/5ths of the Village People.  His private jet is a tax write-off and most of his first edition moose dulaps as well.  He is Scott's Simmons' father and wants Scott to know that he has been a very naughty boy and to get the spanking paddle out of the closet.

Here is a link to Ryan's Book: 

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