Thursday, April 30, 2020

Miss Delicious Convention by John Patrick Robbins

Frank checked his emails about as often as he checked his ego, which as anyone would know from reading him was seldom.
He had a certain criteria for emails being.

If it was from a fellow writer he largely ignored it, unless that said writer had tits and a vagina.
The messages were many and mostly from folks he was glad to show.

Yes your shit truly does stink.
Then he noticed his favorite kind the newbies, those that had yet to have their egos inflated into something that resembled a hot air balloon.

Most were shit as all of us were when we started out and some still were, it's just they caught some breaks or had become the new it thing for the moment.

Frank had broke a few and largely regretted giving them all that push.

“Dude stop publishing with your dick.”

Simon told him over the phone as he was having his usual evening check in slash buzz kill conversation.
Over everything Frank did not want to discuss like deadlines, which would never be met or books that were only a year or two behind.

“Hey kid, I'll have you know my dick has great taste just ask your sister.”

“That was my ex girlfriend you fucking asshole!”

“Dude seriously, you're still pissed over that? 
I mean it's not like you two were serious or anything.”

“We were fucking engaged you cocksucker!”

Frank knew he had hit a nerve and a normal and caring person would have probably backed off.
Good thing Frank seldom if ever troubled himself with feelings of others let alone his best friend and agent.

“Dude that was before I found Jesus.”

Simon cracked up with that statement.

“Yeah I never knew you were religious.”

“I didn't mean the dude that walks on water. I'm talking about the Uber driver I met who turned me onto some lower priced streetwalkers last time I was in Cincinnati visiting your mom.”  

“Why do I even bother?”

“Hey kid, check out this flaming pile of dogshit!”

Frank forwarded a submission to the Speakeasy, which was far from top shelf. 
More like the crap you steal from your parents liquor cabinet and don't even bother refilling with water for even they could give a fuck less about it.

Simon looked it over.

“Fuck this is bad dude! like please tell me you're not publishing this garbage?”

“Fuck yes I am did you see the author's picture?”

Attached to the word doc was a pic that made the work a little more tolerable.

And made Frank reflect on what he once told Victoria when they first met.

He read over confusing lines, yet was lost in the perfect storm that was the vision that he soon would learn was window dressing and nothing more.

As she rambled as usual about all her recent publications and the endless sea of  false praise she received underneath every facebook post.
And although he was a notorious asshole, he had to feel bad even for someone as self absorbed as Victoria.

For internally there was something in all of us that wrote that was fractured.
And needed that praise and beautiful women were the worst for no matter their appearance, there was still something that desired acceptance like everyone else.

Frank was lost for a moment as old drunks and fools grow sentimental with time.

“Dude are you looking at porn again or something ?, I told you get off the fucking phone if you’re doing that shit !”

Frank snapped back to reality without missing a beat.

“Yeah but I am just about ready to cum sweetheart.”   

They both busted up laughing with that one.

And soon Simon realized  little was going to be achieved today in pressing his favorite client and semi big brother.

So he simply said goodbye and wrote the day off as usual.

As Frank went through the submissions and sent out rejections with broken dreams.
It never was easy for he had been there many times himself.
But he knew from experience, if someone truly wanted anything in this life, seldom did you become defeated from a no.

And as he returned to the fresh faced submission he shared with Simon he made sure to take special care.

“Dear Heather , thank you for sending me your work I will take, Love Like A Butterfly and send you a link when it’s up.” 

He pressed send and awaited her reply for which he would most certainly would receive in an hour. As like anyone getting her first publication she would be over the moon.
Frank had passed on ten others far more talented and just as boring.

But none of those had a beautiful smile and a nice rack.
Making dreams come true for the beautiful people was his mission in life, that and if you are going to be annoyed by endless inquiries over publication dates and grammatical errors.
Then make sure at least your view is worth the stress.
I mean why else do you think he published all you sexy bastards?”

It’s hell when you learn people don't appreciate you for anything more than your body.
Editing, it was truly God’s work minus the communion and altar boys.

But that's why the lord had provided strippers and cocaine.
All was well in the publication’s asylum today.

Sometimes it felt rewarding to be the villain.

John Patrick Robbins, Is the editor in chief of The Rye Whiskey Review , The Abyss, Under The Bleachers and The Black Shamrock Magazine. 

His work has been published by Heroin Love Songs,  San Pedro River Review , Sacred Chickens,  Punk Noir Magazine,  Piker Press, As It Ought To Be Magazine,  Red Fez and here at the Dope Fiend Daily. 

He is also the author of If Walls Could Speak Mine Would Blush written Under His own name Frank Murphy. 

His work is always unfiltered. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

William. By John Doyle

Summer and winter became siblings
last-time I went to Minnesota -

each other -

me with my shopping-bag face
muzzling tattoos through the infant light

in squeaking shower-door glass,
hoping my fever would hit 99,

that Gabriel would take me -
boiling hot in cold water,

freezing cold in boiling water,
waiting for the slipped-disc click letterbox

to send me something
that acknowledged the big boss man was looking out for me,

that I was one week overdue.
The floor was a scrunching mass

of shivering insects unable to open their eyes,
squirming as I crushed the very ink beneath me.

The greatest American novel
written by monkeys with typewriters

I sold them last time
I made a full-week on door to door sales

before the cooties
shot me down, left me motionless like F.D.R.

A call came and caught me by surprise,
I grumbled something

that should've been a lot more profane,
but cusswords fell-out with me over a race

in Saratoga,
as I licked my bloody-lip and let the razor

splat back into the butchered-sink,
the out-stretched beast

laid comatose in thieving sea-shore rock,
though everyone's horror lay in its silence, its nothingness

jumping from cosmos to cosmos -
mother's serene morning milk

kept its bargain - storms descending;
6am - celebrity chef tv shows fart and belch

a horror that opposes
all we previously loved,

all we knew.
This beast, today.

I guess I should
open-up this bill,

I've had so many this week,
I address them as William

John Doyle became a Mod again in the summer of 2017 to fight off his impending mid-life crisis; whether this has been a success remains to be seen. He has has two collections published to date, A Stirring at Dusk in 2017, and Songs for Boys Called Wendell Gomez in 2018, both on PSKI's Porch. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Two Sides Of The Coin. By John Patrick Robbins

I remember drinking with Bruce  swapping stories around the fire.
We were both far from saints but we were close as friends .
I remember him speaking of an incident he had, when leaving a crackhouse one time and a unlucky soul who was stupid enough to try to rob him when he was leaving .

I remember the odd glee he took in speaking of killing another man.
It wasn't bullshit, it was ruled a justifiable homicide.
“He got me in the shin and I put one  between his eyes.”

He laughed as he took another hit from the bottle we were passing back and forth.

Bruce was a different sort or cold , he found glee in stupid shit I found only regrets and images no amount of poison would ever erase from my thoughts .

I didn't say much when he rambled. I only kept my guard up knowing no matter even if you took care of a predator it could turn on you at any given second .
Bruce enjoyed the chaos and simply collected a check.
Two men in the same business who held respect for one another  and shared occasional laughs .

“You know dude eventually one day your luck's going to run out  if you keep playing with fire .”

“Last time I checked we all die eventually so fuck it I'm going to enjoy every  single second I can !”

Bruce had a point in that statement and I didn't kid myself into believing my story would end any better than his .
We were  dancing upon a razors edge living a life few would know and most simply read about or watch in some bullshit movie upon the screen .

Violence lends itself to a certain freedom most truly never fathom.
And our willingness to cross that line made us monsters to most, but no matter the perception we were simply men existing the only way we understood how.

We both lived that life and did things I rather bury with the past.
We knew it couldn't last forever. I am still standing and Bruce went to the table too often and found others who were willing to cross that line as easy as we did .

I knew it was time to leave the shit behind, that night as we sat swapping stories around the fire.
Not because of fear of what Bruce had done in the past .
I just simply didn't want to have to be the one that closed his chapter myself .

They found him in the woods beaten to a pulp unrecognizable aside from a tattoo that helped identify his body.

He found his end, hands tied behind his back, his head caved in from a baseball bat. I read the story in the paper and had to think of the man I once considered a friend.

I imagined his pain and knew I deserved no better.
That day I buried his memory with a good binge, he was no longer a monster .

Just another cold case, I got out before someone decided to pen  my final chapter for me .
To bare the scars doesn't make you lucky it just makes you smarter than the rest.

I am the last one standing and the loneliest fool you will ever truly know.
Monsters are all mortal just the same.

John Patrick Robbins is the editor in chief of the Rye Whiskey Review, Under The Bleachers Drinkers Only , The Abyss and The Black Shamrock Magazine.

His work has been published here at the Dope Fiend Daily , San Pedro River Review,  Ariel Chart,  The Blue Nib, Oddball Magazine, Heroin Love Songs,  San Antonio Review,  Red Fez, Punk Noir Magazine and Piker Press .

He is also the author of If Walls Could Speak Mine Would Blush punished under his pen name Frank Murphy form Syndicate Press.

His work is always unfiltered.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Wild Goose Chase. By Ian Lewis Copestick

I'm walking
through "Wild
Goose Avenue ",
just around the
corner from my
home, whoever
named it that
must have had
a strange sense
of humour. I'd
hate to live
there, people
would always
think that you
were taking
the piss. Can
you imagine
trying to get
taxi drivers
to come ?

Ian Lewis Copestick is a 46 year old writer (I prefer that term to poet ) from Stoke on Trent, England. I spend most of my life sitting,  thinking then sometimes writing. I have been published in Anti Heroin Chic, the Dope Fiend Daily, Outlaw Poetry, Synchronized Chaos, the Rye Whiskey Review, Medusa's Kitchen and Horror Sleaze Trash.

The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson

The leaves scuttle, are singed and the meat is pink if you  Stab it just a bit it oozes blood Like your tender astronomy A side of sidereal,...