Friday, July 24, 2020

JUST DESSERT by Jay Passer

simple laughter
is forbidden
without a permit
the plan is to invade
the city of your
take out the trash
where is it going?
back to your
we will take away
the features of your face
stumbling is sanctioned
but falling preferred
don’t leave home
or we will
find you a new one
without windows or doors
no birds outside
or trees either
the wind like cold
on the deck of a
sharp as
the blade
of the helicopter
will not be tolerated
we will topple
your Pieta and your
any Heroes out of Myth
are fair game
for our federal
we’ll harvest the vitals
from the vaults
of your fortitude
we’ll pick the flowers
out of your ears
with machinery
constructed from bones
amassed from the
smoking pyres
of vanquished
try something new
try the corner bodega
whale meat and dog chops
eagle egg soup
camping outdoors
no hiding in caves or
holes in the ground
and we will prosecute
until you bleed compliance
your funny tricks
your Naked Athenas
will be aborted
scrap that vacation
all borders are closed
back to the
blind deaf or dumb
it’s your choice
pick one
before we really
start taking
extreme measures
look on
the bright side
tours of the armory
bipartisan agreement
bread lines
painted to the faces
of the robots
wielding arms
delicious candied
rubber bullets
for dessert

Jay Passer's work has appeared in print and online since 1988. His work has been included in several anthologies and he is the author of 10 books, the most recent being The Black and the Blues, from Alien Buddha Press, 2018. Passer lives and works in San Francisco, the city of his birth.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Poet Framed by Snow by Charlie Brice

For Jason Baldinger

On the hottest day in June,
91 degrees in Pittsburgh, Jason
posts a photo of a trip to Montana
taken one year before this
molten moment in Iron City.

In the photo he wears
a stocking cap, a tarn
behind him framed by
snow draped mountains.

He’ll warm up, I think.
All he needs is a
glass of crisp hooch,
campfire stoked embers,
and a few words on paper
from his poet’s pen—
words that make each
heartbeat count,
that coat with comfort
the endless chain of
meaningless jobs,
the absurd labor of
the many he writes about:
the broken backs,
the broken lives.

Charlie Brice is the author of Flashcuts Out of Chaos (2016), Mnemosyne’s Hand (2018), and An Accident of Blood (2019), all from WordTech Editions. His poetry has been nominated for the Best of Net anthology and twice for a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in The Atlanta Review, The Sunlight Press, Chiron Review, Plainsongs, I-70 Review, Mudfish 12, Anti-Heroin Chic, and elsewhere.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Hollywood Blows Part One by John Patrick Robbins

The plane ride in, was largely a blur.
As Frank had slept through most of it.
The pills and booze largely had something to do with that.
Simon played games on his phone and tried not to freak out. 
Because he was forced to be around other human beings.

Give him numbers, contracts and a steady internet connection the kid was aces.
Take him and cast him into humanity, or heaven forbid get him around the opposite sex.
 Then you were truly fucked.

Frank finally was coming to life by the time they were getting out of the elevator heading towards their rooms.

“Well Slapnuts see you tomorrow, try not to jerk off too much. Gonna need those beady eyes of yours to look over the numbers.”

“Jesus christ dude!What are you heading to the bar already?”

“Kid, just give me my room key and cut the shit.”

Simon just stood at the door staring oddly at Frank.

“Dude this is our room.”

“What the fuck you prick! You're telling me you didn't book us separate rooms.
 What are we in the Goddamned boy scouts!”

“Chill out man we are only here for one night besides this place is really expensive.”

“Who gives a shit? It’s on the studios dime you stingy bastard!”

“No, the plane ride was on the studio, I figured we would look less desperate if we footed or our own accommodations.”

“So basically this is on my fucking dime and still you couldn't get two fucking rooms you dumbass?”

“I mean it’s got two beds man like seriously it’s not that big of a deal.” 

“Oh well now I'm really hurt, being I was hoping to snuggle with you tonight you mental reject.”

Frank said as he pushed past Simon going into the room.
Frank was beyond pissed, it was bad enough interrupting his drinking schedule.
To let alone be stuck in a room with his socially challenged agent for the night.
But he knew the argument was pointless. Frank was in the viper's nest so to speak the world of shit ideas. And bigger egos than any lit scene he had ever encountered.

Savage studios wanted to purchase the rights to Drunks Like Us, and better yet they wanted Frank to somehow write the screenplay.
He knew they were desperate for something different. But he couldn't shake the fact that it was this very same cesspool that killed most writers' books.

They made a habit of neutering great novels and when you took the grit away.
 From what Frank did, you took the heart and soul of his work. 
Of course as they say, money talks and the numbers were enough to make most sell their souls.

The nerves were getting the best of him so as always Frank decided to have a few drinks from the mini bar.

“Dude those things really cost, it’s cheaper to just go grab a bottle.”

“Well being it’s not on your tab, drink up asshole.”

Frank said, as he tossed two shot bottles of vodka and a sprite.

Which Simon failed to catch so they bounced off the bed falling to the floor.

Frank cracked up on just how uncoordinated his friend and agent was.

“Dude don't you even have a fucking pair shorts to lounge around in?”

Simon looked down.

"I’m wearing boxers for fucks sake, you grouchy bastard!”

“Yeah well find some shorts because your special purpose is showing, there you jerk.”

Frank cleaned out the mini bar as the drinking light was officially on.

And as the drinks flowed and the laughs ensued the night quickly approached.
Frank went and sat out on the balcony watching the insanity that is Los Angeles.
It was alive but in a hollow and empty sense.
Simon would be incredibly hungover from tonight on top of being  jet lagged.

It wasn't Franks job to torture his mentally incompetent agent, but it was truly a perk.
Frank had to admit he loved the view and did entertain the idea of heading out to see the town.
But then again this wasn't his territory.
He missed the sounds of the ocean and total chaos that was a good night in Kill Devil Hills.

Home was back where the sand met the waves and the drinks never ceased.
Tomorrow would be different to say the least.
 Frank finished off his drink and went back inside to find Simon, passed out draped across his bed and his phone upon the floor.

Frank quickly picked it up and walked off to the restroom. Amateurs never learn. 
Never pass out first.

The morning came along way too quickly. 
 Simon’s head was spinning and it was all he could do, to make it into the restroom and puke.
Why in the fuck had he decided to match drinks with Frank.
Of course it was better than having him bitch the whole time because he wouldn't.

Simon puked again for good measure, brushed his teeth and went to check the time.
And begin the struggle it was to wake his seldom sober client.

Simon checked his phone and was shocked to see his background  screen pic had been changed.
And apparently he had a new Grinder account now attached to his phone.
With some guys just dying to meet him.

But the icing on the proverbial cake was that charming background screen.
With a dick standing at full attention with a white balloon over it of course reading.
Welcome To L.A. Slapnuts!

Simon just looked at his client who surprisingly was already awake with a huge shit eating grin upon his face.

Simon had to question what he had ever done to deserve such a nutcase client like Frank Murphy.

But he thanked the Lord, there was only one of him.
And wished on this day where he felt like death warmed over. He had become an investment banker instead.

 John Patrick Robbins, is the editor in chief of the Rye Whiskey Review. His work has been published in.

Punk Noir Magazine, The Mojave River Review, Piker Press, San Pedro River Review, The Blue Nib, Sacred Chickens, 1870 Magazine, Heroin Love Songs, San Antonio Review.

His work is always unfiltered.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wi-Fi Guy Code Gumshoe by Ron Murphy

It was on a dark and stormy night, because it was at night time so it would be weird if the sun was out.
I was in my office going over case files and drinking expensive scotch while watching internet porn.

The woman burst into the room which was very rude, considering I was almost to the good part of Circus Fucks Seven.

The woman stood there gazing upon me, probably undressing me with her eyes.
“Hey what are you doing and why are you wearing a ski mask?
It's kind of weird, I thought this was a detective agency, you look more like a bank robber.”

She had a valid point and huge tatas, but I didn't let that distract me.
Because I was a professional and clearly this woman was in need of help, or maybe she was just all wet and wanted to get out of the rain.

And then maybe possibly, I could slip her something in her drink and have sex with her.
 Either way it was  was shaping up to be a great night for Ron Murphy.

“Look mister I need some dick, some private dick that is, can you help me?”

This lost and confused woman had  sparked my interest.
I wanted to stand up, but first I had to zip up my pants or my ding ding would be hanging out.
 And this would probably be very inappropriate.
 And I had no idea if this woman was one of those other kinds or not. 
In that, I mean a prostitute or Christian. 

“Ma'am please take a seat, how can I be of service to you?  In a non-sexual way?
 Because I don't want to be sued, because I never know who was a lesbian feminist or not.
 And you never know when John Stossel, has yet again set one of those many traps. 
To once again curse Ron Murphy's very existence.”

“Why the fuck do you talk about yourself in third person?  And like who the hell is John Stossel?  Are you even a detective or are you just crazy?”

Once again this woman had  a fine point, She spoke to me for a while.
She told me about her problem. She said her husband suspected she was cheating. And she was suspicious, he had hired a private detective to follow her around.
 So now she wants to have her own to follow him around once seems kind of strange to me.

“You know you're strange, but I like you, you're different, you actually listen to me when I talk.
Got anything to drink?”

She asked as I quickly poured her a scotch.

She had something about her, well besides fantastic tits.
And quickly the conversation moved to that of a sexual nature.

“You know I have always had a fantasy about being taken by a dude in ski mask.”

“So have I, but it was a faze I was going through in college, or when I go on crystal meth binge.”

This beautiful creature looked at me slightly confused like most women do.

That's when suddenly we embraced kissing deeply and softly, yet in a very macho heterosexual way.
Then somewhere in the distance thunder crashed and music cued.
As we made sweet love for almost half a second.

  And no sooner had she stumbled into my life she was gone leaving me with a cash envelope.
For a job I had no intention of doing.

 For I was no private dick, I had simply broken into this building to use the free Wi-Fi.
 So I could watch kinky internet porn like real men do.
I should really learn to read. 
Maybe then next time I would know the buildings I was breaking into.

 Yes she was gone like the wind or a hooker after you pay her.
 except in this  encounter, I was the one being paid this was truly a victory for all men.

It was a sacrifice I had to make. I would think of her often, well at least that's what I'm saying here.
 So I don't sound like a total asshole  and aggravate those femanist or John Stossel because his fucking eye’s are everywhere.

Stay strong true men and all you other people as well.
You’re welcome!

Ron Murphy, was voted greatest human being by Better Homes and Gardens all tulip issue.
He has been nominated for 50 Dui's and is wanted in most states.

He is also a card caring member of triple A.

And enjoys drinking scotch, hookers an competitive bowling.
His work has been published in 
China, where he is a television host of a show he has never watched.

He also is the first graduate of the Ryan Quinn Flanagan workshop. 

Where he has learned to express himself through finger painting and interpretive dance.

Ron currently resides in a place with four walls and a internet connection.

Diamonds in the Sand By Brenton Booth

This poems for Shakespeare. This poems for Christopher Marlowe. This poems for that beautiful son-of-a-bitch: Tom Joad, and the even more be...