Sunday, November 1, 2020

Long Distance Call by Matt Amott

He sits at the bar
having one too many 
and thinking about her.
if it's truly over,
he hears
Muddy Waters 
on the jukebox sing
"You say you love me, darling
please, call me on the phone sometime."

He grabs his cell
and starts to dial,
but then
he sees her walk in
on the arm 
of another man.
Pausing for a moment,
he hangs up the phone,
finishes his whiskey
and slides out 
the back
while Muddy sings
"There's another mule
kicking in your stall".

Matt Amott is a poet, musician and photographer who rambles around the Pacific Northwest. He is co-founder and co-editor of Six Ft. Swells Press and has been published in numerous collections as well as three books of his own, THE COAST IS CLEAR (Six Ft. Swells Press), GET WELL SOON and THE MEMORY OF HER (both by Epic Rites Press).  He can be reached at and purchases can be made at Amazon and

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