Thursday, December 31, 2020

And so… by Christopher Cadra

Write the whole thing off as a big mistake.
Someone was too drunk to talk but sober
enough to pick songs. And so, Tom Petty
was the loudest person in the whole bar.
And he sang, “Don’t come around here no more.”
In the bathroom, the music, faint echoes…
In the bathroom, the kid was sick, which was
no big surprise. He was only 20,
and he hadn’t yet learned to drink proper.
And she was out there, somewhere. Though he knew
he’d probably never see her again.

Christopher Cadra is a writer and poet. He's been published in the Cimarron Review, Danse Macabre, and elsewhere. He's published criticism in Basalt and a journal he edited, The Literati Quarterly. He's currently a senior editor at Gleam, which focuses on a new form of poetry he helped create with collaborators. His first chapbook, Golden Halo, was released in 2020.

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