Saturday, January 2, 2021

Kafkaesque by Ken Allan Dronsfield

I listen to the fucking rain falling
drinking my coffee,
seeing and speaking to no one!

I haven't seen anybody in weeks.
My life is the TV, computer, and window.

No one walks by in the daylight,
only in the dark of night;
I hear their footsteps,
running, always running.

Music sounds wicked strange today;
it's the thunder rumbling in the background.

I ran out of milk this morning
Where's that damn mask?
I can't find my mask!!
The store says I can't come in without it. SHIT!!

Why does my cat keep staring at that wall?
Is there a secret world hiding in there? A mouse?
A squirrel? A dreaded Rat?
Or have I been in this apartment for so long,
I'm going freakin' nuts?!

Oh shit, I hear a flute playing in the room upstairs.
I don't have a flute, and there's no one else here.
Oh great, so now I have spirits in my house.

That explains my weird cat staring all day,
or maybe he's dead, "Tigger, look at me", "TIGGER"!!!
Dammit, he won't move; now what the hell....
oh look, the pictures over the mantle are crooked again,
fuckin' ghost!

Ken Allan Dronsfield is a disabled veteran and prize winning poet from New Hampshire, now residing in Oklahoma. Ken loves writing, coin collecting, thunderstorms, watching the stars with his telescope and spending time with his rescue cats Willa and Yumpy.  

1 comment:

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