Friday, January 15, 2021

Obviously by Wayne F. Burke

almost get run into by
a silver SUV shooting through the
parking lot--
"where you going?" I shout
"do you know?"
The jackass pulls up
in front of the bank.
I hope he starts something.
I hope not.

Blue sky, lighter above the
ridge line than
straight up--
is this some kind of illusion?

I walk through the smell of
the pizza parlor, halfway
across the street
a truck, nose stuck over the
crosswalk: 'You know you are on the
"Tell me the obvious!" says
the joker
wearing a MAGA ball cap.

Obvious or not: wtf?

Wayne F. Burke's poetry has been widely published online and in print. He has published six full-length poetry collections, most recently DIFLUCAN (BareBack Press, 2019). He lives in the Pine Tree State.

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