Saturday, March 13, 2021

Second Line by Matt Amott

I'm told I was born
while my parents were
at a party.

The hi-fi was playing 
and people were swinging
when Ma's water broke
and they rushed her
to the hospital.

So when the time comes
that I breathe my last breath,
you send me down
to New Orleans
for that Second Line parade.

Cuz' everyone was dancing
when I came into this world
and I want them all dancing
when I leave it.

Matt Amott is a poet, musician and photographer who rambles around the Pacific Northwest. He is co-founder and co-editor of Six Ft. Swells Press and has been published in numerous collections as well as three books of his own, THE COAST IS CLEAR (Six Ft. Swells Press), GET WELL SOON and THE MEMORY OF HER (both by Epic Rites Press).  He can be reached at and purchases can be made at Amazon and

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