Thursday, October 7, 2021

Atheism by Elliot Foree

I’m an atheist,
But I don’t hate faith.

When I found you
on your knees
for a God you cannot see,

I admired it.

Admired your commitment.
Your drive.
Your passion.

I was born into faith,
but I am an atheist.

Years spent
with my head bowed
at the foot of His throne.

Years spent
judging my neighbors,
drowning my personality in verse.

But when I needed Him,
when the sky opened up,
and He was no where to be seen,

I did not understand.

Because what was the pain,
the hate,
if God is gone?

So I unlearned the hate.
I pushed past the hypocrisy,
I set aside my shame.

I reprogramed my mind,
my spirit,
my body.

I replaced my hate,
the one we’d named love,
with compassion.

Who I love
does not damn me.

My lack of pigmentation
does not put me above.

What’s in my pants
does not decide my role.

Choose acceptance,
because tolerance
is no longer an option.

Native of Houston, Texas, Elliot Foree is an aspiring novelist publishing poems and short stories on the side. A fan of romance and cynical humor, they hope to pave their own way in the world.

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