Sunday, October 24, 2021

No Offense, I’m Dead to Me by Kevin R. Farrell

Sold my soul cause I ain’t have one,
neither do you,
so sell it for all it’s worth,
price tag/toe tag,
I don’t have a lot of time,
not for any other reason than I am the father of a newborn,
I’m writing this in the dark,
my daughter was born yet I still believe there is no beginning or an ending to life,
figure that out,
I’ve seen bodies die,
I’ve watched them be prayed over,
nothing and no one,
this shell is not who we are,
our energy survives,
don’t you feel that,
doesn’t your spine crawl,
your ears ring,
spotting orbs in photographs,
that energy has always been and always will be,
both before and after you realize that this life is unfit for those who rationalize

Kevin R. Farrell, Jr. is a New York based artist, poet, and educator whose work has been published in BONED – Every Which Way, Burning House Press, Rumble Fish Quarterly, Adroit Journal, Ink in Thirds Magazine, Foxhole Magazine, Yo-NEWYORK! and others.

In 2021 Farrell released Best of the Worst which consists of 20 poems that have risen to the top of the trash heap that is his constant documentation of a life spent toeing the line between spiritual bliss and emotional upheaval. As a recovering addict each day can be a struggle when dealing with the dumpster fire that is modern day existence. Sometimes Farrell attempts to put out the fire, on other days he warms his hands by the flames.

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