Friday, March 4, 2022

Prizefighter by Gwil James Thomas

Sat at the ringside, with my little brother 
we’d watched an old friend 
take punch after punch in the ring. 

It was hard not to think back 
to our friend in school –
he’d been short, smiley and content,
an easy target for any bully 
hoping to pass on their suffering. 

And yet slowly but surely, 
our friend then began dodging 
his opponents punches – 
tiring him out, before he’d delivered 
the perfect uppercut to his opponent – 
knocking him out, as he’d tumbled down 
and I’d waited for small cartoon stars 
to circle his opponent’s head, 
as our friend smiled to a speechless crowd – 
winning his first professional match. 

I think of that tonight, as end times feel near, 
or at least overdue, in this world full 
of plagues, lost souls, and crazed dictators – 
reminding myself that there is still hope, 
even when the world has you on the ropes.

Gwil James Thomas is a poet, novelist and inept musician. He lives in his hometown of Bristol, England, but has also lived in London, Brighton and Spain. He has twice been nominated for Best of The Net and once for The Pushcart Prize. His ninth chapbook of poetry, Gold Chains Around our Necks, Hellhounds at our Heels will be published by Holy & Intoxicated publications in 2022. 

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