Saturday, April 2, 2022

Brainwash by Lauren Scharhag

curved walls of the skull gleam

mind scrubbed sparkling like a house

the crime-scene clean-up crew 

has been through

bleached, decluttered

Marie Kondo’d 

until there’s not a speck

of gray matter left anywhere

no squeak of teeth hinges

tongue-pink carpet stripped

no evidence left behind

like no one lives here

like no one has ever lived here.

eye sockets twin windows

open to your perspective

open to blue skies and 

the passage of starlings. 

buyer’s market.

wheel in your handtruck and start

measuring parietals. map the chi 

of your frontal lobe.

hang spider plants from your occipitals.

of course this place is up to code.

of course there aren’t any ghosts.

Lauren Scharhag is the author of fourteen books, including Requiem for a Robot Dog (Cajun Mutt Press) and Languages, First and Last (Cyberwit Press). Her work has appeared in over 150 literary venues around the world. Recent honors include the Seamus Burns Creative Writing Prize, three Best of the Net nominations, and acceptance into the 2021 Antarctic Poetry Exhibition. She lives in Kansas City, MO. To learn more about her work, visit:

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