Sunday, June 30, 2024
Blues Hotel by Sterling Warner
Friday, June 28, 2024
Will I Even Recognize the Music by Merritt Waldon
Thursday, June 27, 2024
I am Spitballing and a Huckster by Mark James Andrews
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
DICK by Wayne F. Burke
A middle-aged man with a pot belly, wearing a pork pie hat and sunglasses, stood at the edge of the woods nearby a swimming hole. A bath towel was slung over the man’s shoulder.
Huge granite boulders surrounded the swimming hole. Sparkling river water shimmied and gleamed over the boulders.
Two girls stood on a boulder. Each wore a bikini bathing suit.
Two adolescent hussies, Dick told himself. One girl taller than the other. The taller one more developed than the shorter, but the shorter, Dick noted, had quite a can on her.
He dropped his shorts and underwear to his ankles in the yellow scrub grass and weeds.
He squeezed out a dollop of Vaseline into his palm.
The tall girl looked over at him. He yanked on his joint as the thing stiffened. “Come’on,” he said, “take a good look you little bitches!” He rubbed himself vigorously.
The taller girl spoke to the shorter girl who glanced at Dick. “You little cunts,” Dick said, “you know you want it!” He held his cock up straight, like a flagpole. “Look! Look at it! You teasing cocksuckers! Bitches!”
The shorter girl turned her back to Dick. Dick ran his ran his hand up and down his joint; he was giving it to her up ass and she loved it, he told himself. “You love it you little bitch!” he said.
The taller girl stared. The shorter girl bent to pick up her towel: her legs spread. Dick felt himself start to cum: he tried to hold back but could not. He swooned, his legs shaky. The taller girl watched his jizzum water the ground like rain drops. You little slut!” He said. “Come and lap it up!” He squeezed out an extra blurt—just for her…
Dick cleaned up, pulled up his shorts and underwear. He walked back the way he had come--through a path in the woods to a gravel-covered country road.
He felt empty, dull: his groin over-heated and uncomfortably damp.
A State Police car was parked along the roadside. Two State Troopers stood beside the car.
“How you doing fella?” one of the troopers asked.
Dick swallowed the saliva in his suddenly dry-as-toast mouth. “Oh pretty good.” He had to force the words out. “How about you fellas?” he asked, rallying.
The slightly buck-toothed trooper’s telescopic eyes bored into Dick’s head.
“What’cha got there?” the trooper said, nodding to the tube of Vaseline in Dick’s front pocket.
The other cop, thin-lipped and stone-faced, stood with thumbs stuck into his service belt.
“What? This?” Dick showed the tube to the cop. “For the skin, you know…I got dry skin and--” He made a motion as if applying the cream to his chest.
“We know what you use it for,” the stone-faced cop said.
The bucktooth cop smirked.
Over the cop’s shoulder a bald eagle flew between tree tops.
Dick knew they would find his other lewd & lascivious charges. Knew he would not be able to talk his way out of this one. Knew he did not have money enough to keep from going to jail…
Beads of sweat crawled like fat bugs from off his scalp.
The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson
The leaves scuttle, are singed and the meat is pink if you Stab it just a bit it oozes blood Like your tender astronomy A side of sidereal,...

Driving through New England, I notice small towns all have a cemetery crowded with tombstones, weathered and leaning into each other like ...
We are all sausages In our skin linked together. Blood, bone, meat put Through the daily grind. Some red, some brown, Some white, each flavo...
Two Jacksons or Four sawbucks Up front—$40. No credit cards, no I.D.; Beyond, beneath, Battered neon lights The Blues Hotel Weathered time’s...