Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Once Again, America Chooses Fascism By Garret Schuelke

 "America this is quite serious."—Allen Ginsberg

No big surprise there.

Election 2024 has once again shown me that we want a country that is run by a president who did everything he could to commit a coup,

Who basically runs his own cult,

Who inspired an online cult that'll probably be reborn when he once again takes office,

Who wants the military to occupy our streets, run our borders, and round up brown people as a show of strength and illusion of safety,

Who demonizes immigrants in hopes that they'll be attacked by militias, street gangs, and white mobs,

Who collabs with Christian Nationalists to sell autographed Bibles,

Who claims that Israel has a "FINISH THE JOB" as they invade neighboring countries and lay waste to entire cities and villages,

Who proclaims they're anti-war, but then brags about all the weapons we sell to countries engaged in blatant war crimes,

Who thinks we're still the mighty capitalist empire that we can make any country bend a knee to upon threat of a sanction or tariff,

Who sincerely believes that he need to constantly present America as a threat to the world in order to get his way,

Who sincerely believes that he need to constantly present himself as a threat to the American populace in order to get his way,

A president who is mad that he doesn't get the respect and power he believes he is entitled to.


Election 2024 has once again showed me that we, as a populace, are proud that an attempted insurrection took place (which we then claim all who took part in it were feds after they inevitably failed),

We adore a president so damn much that, when he's obviously fucking up, we tell our friends, family, and other loved ones, with a straight face, that he has a "SECRET PLAN" to save America,

We only consider free speech something that can be used for slurs, threats, and making content where, to everyone with even a smidgen of self-awareness, comes off as unhinged, annoying, and weird,

We beg and plead for faceless, dystopian soldiers to take over the streets of major cities that we complain are the source of our small town problems (and will never visit unless it involves the chance to fuck shit up while being protected by cops),

We want pregnant women to be monitored like cattle,

We target trans folks the second they express a sliver of their true selves,

We cheer whenever Israel blows up a hospital or refugee camp, since that feeds our unquenchable thirst for Muslim blood,

We mock Native Americans as their lands are turned into hellscapes for a substance that is decimating the planet more and more each year,

We condescend to black folks, telling them they should have just "OBEYED THE LAW" when they're openly being brutalized and murdered by pigs,

We claim we're anti-war, then froth whenever the possibility that we'll get into a conflict with Iran, North Korea, Mexico, or China arises,

Who adore American war criminals, and believe we need to emulate them to win wars,

We dismiss mass shootings with thoughts, prayers, and calls for mental health services we’ll never support,

We will gladly submit to laws, policies, and changes to our lives—from healthcare, to censorship, to infrastructure, etc. —that will clearly make our lives worse, because we're so stupid, masochist, and vengeful that we'll do anything to fuck each other over in order to feel superior.

We're a populace who are mad that we don't get the respect and power we believe we are entitled to.


Election 2024 has once again showed that, despite being the late-thirties hardened, haunted, graying, high-blood pressured socialist I am, there's still a microscopic part of me left over from my years of being a teenage lib and optimistic, early-twenties anarchist, that believes that things will change for the better in large, quick, definitive ways.

Someone that sees the ending of something atrocious and believes, "Welp, THAT’LL never happen again."

Then the fucking thing happens again, and I fall into a despair that most often manifests an angry outbursts akin to a Patton Oswalt, David Cross, or any other 2000's-era Alt Comedy act—where I react by throwing up your arms, and screaming, "SERIOUSLY?! We're doing this shit AGAIN?! Oh, COME THE FUCK ON!!!"

I get slammed with every statistic, reasoning, ideology, historical precedent, and observations that tells me I'm wrong to feel this way.

I immediately get hopeium shot into my brain from all types of posters—from liberals doling out inspirational quotes while blaming Green Party candidates and wishing the worst to happen to oppressed populations who didn't vote for their genocider candidate, to leftists telling me that my feelings are valid, but also that I'm stupid and cringe for thinking anything better can happen within this capitalist hellhole, and to stop being a whiny pussy and organize.

The mostly rational side of me agrees that there's still hope, that things can change for the better, and that we’re all part of a long chain of working people's struggle. 

It'll sink back in eventually, but until then I despair.

Not even the generally optimistic words and lyrics of Woody Guthrie, the person I look up to the most in regards to my morality, values, and hopefulness, can get me out of this funk.


It's so hard having socialist beliefs while feeling so goddamn hopeless most of the time.

Joe Strummer is absolutely right: People CAN change anything they want to.

Unfortunately, in America, that change is, most of the time, for FUCKING FASCISM. 

GARRET SCHUELKE is a writer, podcaster, and musician that currently resides in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the author of the GODAN series (Bakunin Incorporated), Anamakee (Riot Forge Studios, 2016), Whup Jamboree: Stories (Elmblad Media Group, 2017), and three ebooks. He is also the host of The Garret Schuelke Podcast, The Cheeseburger Blues: An Exploration into Dad Blues Rock, and A Riot of my Own. He makes music under the moniker Neobeatglory.

To learn more, visit Garret Schuelke’s official website: garrxxqxx x wzx,wx

q 1xX ×- etschuelke.tumblr.com. 

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