Friday, May 25, 2018

Sacrifice By Kevin Martin

We howl at the moon voice
shaking hymns that dance 
around fires clockwise always

this is for you that never
suffer the day
close blinds
lock doors  wait for night

worship sun

penitents know the road is long


time to push your thorny
crown on others
have fun everytime
I wake up holding my horn
in the morning

looking for your eyes

mirrors that reject my smile 
wait to give bad luck
seven years worth everytime
arrested find god waiting for
prayers and blood sacrifices

demand death from all

seven is the number of completion
as we rest after six days is gods law
with Hammurabi eye for an eye
tooth for tooth ingrained by patriarchs

gave you everything
America the day I
was born a new babe 
that suckled freedom 
in those early days 
drank mother's milk 
now has good teeth
for gnashing and 
devouring you with

live in the dirt by choice 
walk up mountains to 
see the reward

hear talk of god everywhere
without any mention of love
the mind still works even 
if the soul is emaciated

About Kevin Martin:

Kevin Martin resides in North Carolina and is a regular contributing poet to The Arrival Magazine, Winston Salem, N.C.

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