Sunday, April 7, 2019

Haunted by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

Did you know
your house was haunted?
Don’t go now.
You always liked a mystery.
Don’t leave me.
I’m just a friendly ghost.
Don’t you want to be friends?

It’s all good.
Are feeling imposed on?
I’m so small.
You won’t even notice me.
I won’t show you my scar.

Just get high,
It’s not my place to say.
I’m afraid.
It’s getting cold in this house.
I can’t bear it.

Just get high,
my lips are mum my friend.
I don’t judge.
It’s getting so cold in here.
We need to get along.

No one knows
I’m running around these parts.
Some things are
best to leave at home.
I’ve waited so long for you.

This is our
place to be.

It’s all right.
If I can interject
a small word,
you are beautiful
like my favorite tv show star.

It’s too late.
You look so tired
and sick of being haunted.
Just get high,
now who will say anything?
I’m just a ghost 
who is down and out.
I can’t bear being alone.

Just get high,
It’s all you seem to do.
I can understand why.
It’s the only thing to do sometimes 
when there’s a lack of understanding.

About Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal:

Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal, born in Mexico, lives in Southern California, and works in the mental health field in Los Angeles. His first book of poems, Raw Materials, was published by Pygmy Forest Press. His poetry online and in print has appeared in Ariel Chart, Blue Collar

Review, Kendra Steiner Editions, Mad Swirl, Unlikely Stories, and Yellow Mama Magazine.

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