for a couple of weeks
(this happens sometimes...)
and there’s no shortage of them
let me tell you
you can find any
and every possible position
defended, justified, championed
I notice I tend to seek the ones
that reinforce my belief
that things are basically fucked
so now I know....
I mean REALLY know
we’re running out
of fresh water
our food is poison
the soil is toxic
and the oceans are plastic
and our politicians
and business leaders
are reprehensible
immoral scumbags
knowing the magnitude
of the problems
gives me an excuse
to sit back and enjoy the show
it’s all one big snuff film now
About Brian Rihlmann:
Brian Rihlmann was born in NJ, and currently lives in Reno, NV. He writes mostly semi autobiographical, confessional free verse. He has been published in Constellate Magazine, Under The Bleachers, Cajun Mutt Press, and has an upcoming piece in The American Journal Of Poetry.
Pause the show and make me some popcorn. I'd like to finish before those bombs start bursting in air. Couldn't have said it better Brian...