Friday, August 23, 2019

From Place To Place by Damion Hamilton

I am such a nomad
I move from bar to bar
neighborhood to neighborhood
job to job
have a hard time standing in one place
interested in the new thing
always searching, always
looking, the new place seeking
you out
I can understand being young and being like this
I am now 41, and still seeking
the dancing, the wonder, the delight
of new things, crazy seeking
getting bored with things eventually
and seeking things that just happen into
new things dancing and breathing and moving
into fruition, into the dance of the moment,
song tumbling and stumbling into the front of you
going and going
and twisting and twisting, this snake of the day,
wrapping into a python
dance dance, seeking and dying
falling and stumbling into a place to be.

About Damion Hamilton:

Damion Hamilton is from St. Louis MO. His poems have appeared in Chiron Review, Poesy Magazine, Zygote In My Coffee, Red Fez, The Camel Saloon and many others. He writes poetry, stories and novels. He has written several books.

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