Friday, August 30, 2019

OTHER PEOPLE’S LOVES by Andrew Darlington

strangers love in lives
we can’t even imagine,
we see them holding hands
in the transport interchange,
gazing deep into lover’s souls
across the Starbucks alcove table,
we watch them live
their perfect lives,
of salty kisses and sandy toes,
we ache to be a part of
those other lovers we see
in their more intense trysts,
strangers lives and stranger loves
I see her wake him with a
good morning blowjob
the taste of her pussy
still sweet on his mouth,
then they taste each other
in the tangled tongues
of sleepy blurred kisses,
yet they’re the same strangers
who glance across at us
and fantasise our love-life

About Andrew Darlington: 

Check out my website ‘EIGHT MILES HIGHER’ – ‘The Blogspot for People Who Don’t Like Blogspots’ – latest postings include… ‘Tales Of Wonder’ the full detailed story of Britain’s First-Ever SF magazine, ‘The Walking Dead: The First Nine Seasons’, ‘Mick Farren: Sex And Drugs, SF And Rock ‘n’ Roll (‘Mona’ and Phaid The Gambler)’, Sly Stone Meets Doris Day, plus music interviews The Secret Life Of Fiat Lux, Floy Joy… From Sheffield, Hula: Old World, New Machines, More Electric Shadows... and more… All with archive photos, and more… monthly updates at

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