Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Destiny of a Poet by Anđelko Zablaćanski

Translated by Danijela Trajković

Night had woken up poets from time immemorial
It opened their souls with the golden key 
Then split the pictures of life
For any of those to seem small in comparison with a verse

Night had always been dancing tango of
Thoughts and feelings tides with a poet
In the middle of a boat without a sail and oars
And occupied with turmoil knowledge

Night had always been stealing poets
From the reality, the world and themselves
In order to give them power just before sunrise
To live in the verse for years

 Anđelko Zablaćanski (1959) is a Serbian poet, aphorist and translator. He has published seven collections of poetry. Was awarded in Russia at the Poetry Festival in St. Petersburg in 2014.  Zablaćanski is the founder and editor-in-chief of the online literary journal Suština poetike. His newest book From Pushkin till Kapustin (an anthology selected and translated by Zablacanski) has been published in 2019. He lives and works in Glušci, Serbia.

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