Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Walk Of Shame by John Patrick Robbins

My neighbors view them all.
An assorted crew of wayward souls.
Usually highly hungover and in different states of awkwardness.

Most leave without saying goodbye, others linger until the buzz wears off with the bliss.

As long as they leave, it's truly a mission accomplished to me.
It's funny how others find shame in how two adults choose to spend their time together.

I sat there watching the morning news with a semi dressed companion from the previous night.

Sipping a bloody Mary as a fool and an overgrown child was filmed giving yet another long winded hate filled speech.

In front of the white house steps.
He spewed his lies he would deny even speaking the previous day.

He walked off, hands clenched looking like if you put coal between his ass cheeks.
He could produce a diamond.

A rambling disgrace protected by men he considered peasants and mocked as losers in the press.
The only walk of shame is a fool standing in the shadows of true men unlike himself.

A spoiled child who bought the world only to attempt to destroy what he could never truly control.

I flipped off the TV and slipped from the insanity to enjoy the pleasure of another lost as I.

The biggest sin is in not living every second of this life to suit yourself.

Smoke them while you got em kids, cause this party is truly running on borrowed time.

John Patrick Robbins, is the editor in chief of The Rye Whiskey Review  and Black Shamrock Magazine.  His work has been published here at Punk Noir Magazine, Fearless Poetry Zine,  The Dope Fiend Daily, Piker Press, 1870 Magazine, San Pedro River Review,  San Antonio Review , Herion Love Songs, Romingos Porch and Schlock Magazine. 

His work is always unfiltered 

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