Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Dreaming Dog by Gwil James Thomas

The world has changed 

since I was last here,

but at least my 

mum’s kitchen hasn’t - 

where across 

the chequerboard floor, 

the old family dog’s 

deep asleep, 

tapping his arthritic paws 

up and down effortlessly - 

running miles 

through the dreamworld 

even if he can’t 

in this one anymore.

I wonder if he can 

have lucid dreams?  

I wonder if he knows 

that he’s left the dream,

when he wakes? 

I wonder if him, me,  

every fucking word 

that I’ve written and 

everything that’s 

happened and ever will - 

are all just part of some 

interconnected dream 

unfolding in god’s head? 

Suddenly the dog wakes up,

stares at me and sighs -

as I laugh and focus 

on my own world again - 

the one filled with poetry, 

passion and chaos.

Gwil James Thomas is a novelist, poet and inept musician. His written work can be found in numerous publications in print and online and has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize and Best of The Net. He resides in his hometown of Bristol, England, but has also lived in London, Brighton and Spain. His most recent chapbook can be found here:

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