Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Dankest of Avatars by Ben Nardolilli

Maybe they’ll remove me for being below the Karma threshold,
then where will I be? In the great knockoff dumpster bin
where people not worthy of a shuddering remembrance dwell
together as they try to process what is left of the afterlife.

Who will do it? Why the great mods of the universe, that’s who,
those hidden powers who have the dankest of avatars to hide behind,
no one elects them, yet they show up and do a thankless job,
though to be fair, they do demand applause every now and then.

They monitor every comment we make, both thought and spoken,
and judge every action we post on their timeline, call me crazy,
but this is my religion, it’s what keeps me awake Sunday mornings
and you safe at night, as I roam the streets, contemplating trouble.

Ben Nardolilli currently lives in New York City. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, Danse Macabre, The 22 Magazine, Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, The Northampton Review, Local Train Magazine, The Minetta Review, and Yes Poetry. He blogs at and is trying to publish his novels.

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