Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Tourist Board by Jon Bennett

“Do you have a bathroom?” 
“Customers only!” 
It was the wrong question 
what he needed to ask was 
“If I give you a dollar 
can I use the toilet?” 
2 liquor stores 
a head shop, a Verizon store - 
no bathrooms! 
“Did I come all the way  
from Sioux City 
just to die 
from a ruptured bladder!?” 
He saw people pissing in alleys 
onto mailboxes
into mail slots 
onto doorknobs
“I wasn’t raised that way!” 
Finally he came 
to Mitchell Brothers Strip Club 
“Can you believe 
$25 to get in here 
just to use the bathroom!?” 
he told his 3rd lap dancer 
and his 4th. 

Jon Bennett writes and plays music in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood.  You can find more of his work on most music streaming websites and by connecting with him at

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