Saturday, August 14, 2021

Trashed by Kevin R. Farrell

For fucks sake the world is a dumpster fire 
and we are surrounded by garbage people with gutter minds,
you are either the trash at the top of the heap looking down at the trash at the bottom
or you are the trash at the bottom catching a glimpse of the sun 
knowing sooner than later you’ll begin to rot,
releasing that pungent scent that has become our battle cry,

or if we are lucky,
we’ll feel the warmth of the flames 
and catch a glimpse of our ashes being released into the sky,
and just like the so called religious,
our trashy friends will tell each other it’s our souls going back home,
but we’ll know deep down inside that the dumpster houses what’s left of us all.

Kevin R. Farrell, Jr. is a New York based artist, poet, and educator whose work has been published in BONED – Every Which Way, Burning House Press, Rumble Fish Quarterly, Adroit Journal, Ink in Thirds Magazine, Foxhole Magazine, Yo-NEWYORK! and others.

In 2021 Farrell released Best of the Worst which consists of 20 poems that have risen to the top of the trash heap that is his constant documentation of a life spent toeing the line between spiritual bliss and emotional upheaval. As a recovering addict each day can be a struggle when dealing with the dumpster fire that is modern day existence. Sometimes Farrell attempts to put out the fire, on other days he warms his hands by the flames.

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