Thursday, May 19, 2022

For Now by Joseph R. Larsen

Your man is working.  Work is never done.
We look through the curtains of his and your home.
The country goes on and on without an end.

The clouds gather too thinly to rain.
They send a breeze, a hot chagrin—
A fantasy with no way out.

You mock your man, and then praise me.
His days are paid.  My time is free.
But you spend your nights with him.

I can only imagine what you do
With inches separating the two of you,
And white moonlight peering in.

You drop him off at the work yard.
An hour later, we’re going at it hard.
I hold myself to bring you home.

We make all the love time will allow.
You will always be my lover for now.
This summer will still be here after we’ve gone.

Joseph R. Larsen is a prolific poet whose poetry has been featured in various publications including Blonde on Blonde, North Country, The Panhandler, Spiky Palm, and Texas Lawyer, and he is a regular contributor to the Archway Readings. Larsen is an attorney in Houston with a wide-ranging practice including defending First Amendment rights and was given the James Madison Award in 2010 by the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas.



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