Thursday, June 30, 2022

Yip by Marc Darnell

Free your mind, your ass will follow.
Crawl out from under your rock
before your life goes out the window

because you were too scared to swallow
the big hard pill that life is suck;
then you make a path to follow.

Don't yip of yesterday tomorrow
and go on as a suckling speck,
or else your life goes out the window--

whatever life you had or borrowed,
making other people sick
from all the pointless rules you follow.

You're a straight and narrow fellow.
Widen up, and what the fuck
before your life goes out the window.

Don't be a puppy barking sorrow,
leashed within the fraidy-flock.
Free your mind, your ass will follow,
or chase the chew toy out the window.

Marc Darnell is an online tutor and custodian in Omaha NE, and has also been a phlebotomist, hotel supervisor, busboy, editorial assistant, farmhand, devout recluse, and incurable brooder.  He received his MFA from the University of Iowa, and has published poems in The Lyric, Rue Scribe, Verse, Skidrow Penthouse, Shot Glass Journal, The HyperTexts, Candelabrum, The Road Not Taken, Aries, Ship of Fools, Open Minds Quarterly, The Fib Review, Verse-Virtual, Blue Unicorn, Ragazine, The Literary Nest, The Pangolin Review, and elsewhere.

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