Tuesday, March 4, 2025

WORKING MAN PT.1 By Brian Rosenberger

day in, day out

day in, day out

the same thing

the same routine

day in, day out

like a scene from a horror flick

the dead rising

day in, day out

the 9 to 5 treadmill

never noticing the sun

just shades of grey

day in, day out

a Deja vu existence

like reading the same story everyday

but worse, living it day in, day out

self-made man in a self-made prison

shop talk, the conversation of convicts

scheming and dreaming

day in, day out

parole is granted as the shift ends

or is it just a transfer to a different cell

Brian Rosenberger lives in a cellar in Marietta, GA and writes by the light of captured fireflies. He is the author of As the Worm Turns and three poetry collections - Poems That Go Splat, And For My Next Trick..., and Scream for Me.

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