Thursday, March 28, 2019

Armed With Lies by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

I take you with me
armed with lies, watch them
grow high as the stars.
I take myself so
seriously, that I
make myself laugh till
I pass out, my flask
in my pocket, safe.
I take you flask and
take sips, little ones
throughout the day to
get me past morning.
Afternoons are so
easy. I stand in
one place and have a
hand out, armed with lies,
I tell my stories 
about needing just
pocket change to
get by. I need a
whole lot more, but I 
take what I can get
to keep this flask half
full, to give me strength,
to keep going on.

About Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal:

Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal, born in Mexico, lives in Southern California, and works in the mental health field in Los Angeles. His first book of poems, Raw Materials, was published by Pygmy Forest Press. His poetry online and in print has appeared in Ariel Chart, Blue Collar

Review, Kendra Steiner Editions, Mad Swirl, Unlikely Stories, and Yellow Mama Magazine.

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