Thursday, August 19, 2021

Devil by Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon)

(Tarot, Major Arcana XIII)

       His cramped fingers are fiery columns 
       concluding in claws. One of them spears the uterus of heaven,

              it slides inside his puggish, 
                     thickened asshole. 
What’s perceptible is the living spiderweb tissue.

The Old Hoofed Devil starts to dance.

Fat, clumsy people awed who wear down the confessional,
       the walrus-faced inquisitor is leafing through
                     Johann Weyer „Pseudomonarchia Daemonum”
Our reflection backs up screaming
finally, a smoke and fart ridden cave-chimney swallows it.

During motionlessly cleaned, wakeful summer nights 
       we conjure 
the coiled snake that is searching for its own tail,
              the snow white, winged bull,
nurse Sekhmet, the howling wolves in the dilated night,
the scorpions of the already cold moon, the phalanx of the stone
horse-shaped people…

The Lady ties a faint wreath of flowers that is wet from the saliva
      of a snail
to the meek goat's horns.

A stone idol is carved in the place of the Almighty,
              (and plastic pipes cut to size).

The peasant dumbly, blindly, deafly copulates (the whole Universe 

tastes like fox, smells like muck, feels like frozen tin plates,    
for the approaching violin music
the Old Hoofed Devil starts dancing again.

Translated by Gabor Gyukics

Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon) poet, anarchist, occultist from Hungary. Earlier books: (szellem)válaszok, A Nap és Holderők egyensúlya . New: Kiterített rókabőr. English poems published: Quail Bell Magazine, Lumin Journal, Moonchild Magazine, Scum Gentry Magazine, Pussy Magic, The Zen Space, Crêpe & Penn, Briars Lit, Acclamation Point, Truly U, Sage Cigarettes Magazine, Lots of Light Literary Foundation, Honey Mag, Theta Wave, Re-side, Cape Magazine, Neuro Logical, The Daily Drunk Mag, Unpublishable Zine, Melbourne Culture Corner, Beir Bua Journal, Crown & Pen, Dead Fern Press, Coven Poetry Journal, Journal of Erato, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Spillover Magazine, Punk Noir, Nymphs Literary Journal,  Synchronized Chaos, All Ears (India), Utsanga (Italy), Postscript Magazine (United Arab Emirates), The International Zine Project (France), Swala Tribe Magazine (Rwanda), The QuillS Journal (Nigeria). Known spiritualist mediums, art and explores the relationship between magic.


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