Thursday, January 20, 2022

Recent Improvisations by Rp Verlaine

Your lips finding music in mine this morning was inspired. Your eyes closed reminded me of Monk’s passion at the piano. All that was missing was the sweat and your tongue improvising in vague corners of my mouth echoed the audacious atavistic anarchy of Ornette Coleman’s music. I’m almost sorry that my hands, busy with your breasts, could not applaud. But consider how loud ecstasy made us both scream with hands over each other's mouths… We could find joy in that the cops didn’t come responding to noise complaints again.

Rp Verlaine, a retired English teacher living in NYC, has an MFA in creative writing from City College. He has several collections of poetry including Femme Fatales Movie Starlets & Rockers (2018) and Lies From The Autobiography 1-3 (2018-2020). Rp’s work has been featured in Punk Noir, Ygdrasil, and Runcible Spoon. 

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