Sunday, August 29, 2021

DOORS LOCKED by Kenneth Pobo

Jeff and his buddies
head to Bob’s Tap
after work.  They know Jeff
is married to Jerry.  They’re cool 
with it but sometimes….

Carl says, I’m trying remember
a song title from, I think, Cats, 
Jeff, you’d know it, 
you guys love show tunes.  Jeff,
more Led Zeppelin and Joan Jett,
orders another pitcher, talks about
the Brewers.  Closets, 

he thinks, get so deep 
that one leads to another, 
doors locked. 

Kenneth Pobo is the author of twenty-one chapbooks and nine full-length collections.  Recent books include Bend of Quiet (Blue Light Press), Loplop in a Red City (Circling Rivers), and Uneven Steven (Assure Press). Opening is forthcoming from Rectos Y Versos Editions. Lavender Fire, Lavender Rose is forthcoming from Brick/House Books.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

kafka by Giovanni Mangiante

the piercing screams 
of tortured men and women
echoing through the void
do not 
compare to the time
I woke up
in my bed, still human,
naked during the summer,
with a fat roach
walking over my cock.

many great novels
are written
from such traumas,
and I’m about to go
into page 25.

Giovanni Mangiante is a poet from Lima, Peru. He has work published in Newington Blue Press, Rusty Truck, The Daily Drunk, Anti-Heroin Chic, Heroin Love Songs, Rat's Ass Review, Three Rooms Press, and more. In writing, he found a way to cope with BPD.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

A smoker adds himself to the bathroom by Catherine Zickgraf

Double sinks hold caught souls.
On stools and tub hang the pierced, long-eyed,
lip-pickers, rainbow dyed.

How do I know, I ask the new guy, you’re not a narc?
It’s my house, I ask the inappropriate questions.
They all stand up and move smooth like ghosts,
This is a serious suggestion.

We’re cool, it’s cool, though I decide
to let the shock ride.
We chill, I rip leaves to fill piles, stuff high the vase,
the smiles, we settle off and share our thoughts again.

Two lifetimes ago, Catherine performed her poetry in Madrid. Now her main jobs are to write and hang out with her family. Find her on twitter @czickgraf. Watch and read more at 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The hero by DS Maolalai

a minor crush
on the girl 
who works in our newsagent,
but I still
just buy the condoms
and resist 
inappropriate jokes.

DS Maolalai has been nominated eight times for Best of the Net and five times for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been released in two collections, "Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden" (Encircle Press, 2016) and "Sad Havoc Among the Birds" (Turas Press, 2019)

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Interpreter by Matt Amott

(for Will Staple)

His books 
have been translated
and are available
in a few different 

So when traveling abroad
for a book tour,
he knows right away
who enjoys his 
erotic poems.

doesn't require
an interpreter.

Matt Amott is a poet, musician and photographer who rambles around the Pacific Northwest. He is co-founder and co-editor of Six Ft. Swells Press and has been published in numerous collections as well as three books of his own, THE COAST IS CLEAR (Six Ft. Swells Press), GET WELL SOON and THE MEMORY OF HER (both by Epic Rites Press).  He can be reached at and purchases can be made at Amazon and

Friday, August 20, 2021

Three Times by Ian Lewis Copestick

I've only been in love
three times in my
There were plenty of
other times when I
thought I was in love,
but looking back, I
think that there was
only those three times.

Two of those women
are unfortunately dead,
and the third might as well
as be dead to me.

She doesn't care, but she
doesn't mean as much to
me as she once did, or else
I would have gone insane.
Well, more insane than I
already am.

No one is to blame, people
change, feelings change.
It's the saddest thing that
can happen, yet it happens
to everyone.

Hatred is the only thing that

Ian Lewis Copestick is a 48 year old writer (I prefer that term to poet ) from Stoke on Trent, England. I spend most of my life sitting,  thinking then sometimes writing. I have been published in Anti Heroin Chic, the Dope Fiend Daily, Outlaw Poetry, Synchronized Chaos, the Rye Whiskey Review, Medusa's Kitchen and Horror Sleaze Trash.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Devil by Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon)

(Tarot, Major Arcana XIII)

       His cramped fingers are fiery columns 
       concluding in claws. One of them spears the uterus of heaven,

              it slides inside his puggish, 
                     thickened asshole. 
What’s perceptible is the living spiderweb tissue.

The Old Hoofed Devil starts to dance.

Fat, clumsy people awed who wear down the confessional,
       the walrus-faced inquisitor is leafing through
                     Johann Weyer „Pseudomonarchia Daemonum”
Our reflection backs up screaming
finally, a smoke and fart ridden cave-chimney swallows it.

During motionlessly cleaned, wakeful summer nights 
       we conjure 
the coiled snake that is searching for its own tail,
              the snow white, winged bull,
nurse Sekhmet, the howling wolves in the dilated night,
the scorpions of the already cold moon, the phalanx of the stone
horse-shaped people…

The Lady ties a faint wreath of flowers that is wet from the saliva
      of a snail
to the meek goat's horns.

A stone idol is carved in the place of the Almighty,
              (and plastic pipes cut to size).

The peasant dumbly, blindly, deafly copulates (the whole Universe 

tastes like fox, smells like muck, feels like frozen tin plates,    
for the approaching violin music
the Old Hoofed Devil starts dancing again.

Translated by Gabor Gyukics

Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon) poet, anarchist, occultist from Hungary. Earlier books: (szellem)válaszok, A Nap és Holderők egyensúlya . New: Kiterített rókabőr. English poems published: Quail Bell Magazine, Lumin Journal, Moonchild Magazine, Scum Gentry Magazine, Pussy Magic, The Zen Space, Crêpe & Penn, Briars Lit, Acclamation Point, Truly U, Sage Cigarettes Magazine, Lots of Light Literary Foundation, Honey Mag, Theta Wave, Re-side, Cape Magazine, Neuro Logical, The Daily Drunk Mag, Unpublishable Zine, Melbourne Culture Corner, Beir Bua Journal, Crown & Pen, Dead Fern Press, Coven Poetry Journal, Journal of Erato, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Spillover Magazine, Punk Noir, Nymphs Literary Journal,  Synchronized Chaos, All Ears (India), Utsanga (Italy), Postscript Magazine (United Arab Emirates), The International Zine Project (France), Swala Tribe Magazine (Rwanda), The QuillS Journal (Nigeria). Known spiritualist mediums, art and explores the relationship between magic.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

COLONOSCOPY PREP by Scott C. Kaestner

Clear liquid diet cramping blues
laxative induced bowel distress
got my gut twisted

to get off the toilet or not?
that is not the question

definitely not

a camera
or anything else
going up my ass now

it’s all downhill
getting down
going down

and do it

if this is my gift for turning 50
then you can take 60
and shove it up your ass

not mine though
it’s real busy
right now.

Scott C. Kaestner is a Los Angeles poet, writer, dad, husband, and thinks the glass is neither half full or half empty; it’s just a glass with some water in it. Google ‘scott kaestner poetry’ to peruse his musings and doings.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Trashed by Kevin R. Farrell

For fucks sake the world is a dumpster fire 
and we are surrounded by garbage people with gutter minds,
you are either the trash at the top of the heap looking down at the trash at the bottom
or you are the trash at the bottom catching a glimpse of the sun 
knowing sooner than later you’ll begin to rot,
releasing that pungent scent that has become our battle cry,

or if we are lucky,
we’ll feel the warmth of the flames 
and catch a glimpse of our ashes being released into the sky,
and just like the so called religious,
our trashy friends will tell each other it’s our souls going back home,
but we’ll know deep down inside that the dumpster houses what’s left of us all.

Kevin R. Farrell, Jr. is a New York based artist, poet, and educator whose work has been published in BONED – Every Which Way, Burning House Press, Rumble Fish Quarterly, Adroit Journal, Ink in Thirds Magazine, Foxhole Magazine, Yo-NEWYORK! and others.

In 2021 Farrell released Best of the Worst which consists of 20 poems that have risen to the top of the trash heap that is his constant documentation of a life spent toeing the line between spiritual bliss and emotional upheaval. As a recovering addict each day can be a struggle when dealing with the dumpster fire that is modern day existence. Sometimes Farrell attempts to put out the fire, on other days he warms his hands by the flames.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Tissue by Elliot Foree

Looking at her is
sticking my hand into an open flame.

It burns, scarring my perspective, 
but if I were to retreat,

I’d become cold.

My burns become nothing
compared to a future without her.

Native of Houston, Texas, Elliot Foree is an aspiring novelist publishing poems and short stories on the side. A fan of romance and cynical humor, they hope to pave their own way in the world.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Something Good To Die For / The Wendigos by John Patrick Robbins

The club was packed as usual and the party was in full swing.
The drinks spilled as the strippers danced. This was a perfect glimpse at true heathenry at its finest.

Mark knew this was going to be far from easy to walk away from, but as brothers were bond, the blood of his family was something far more powerful to Mark Flynn.

And as Mark sat at the bar even in the total chaos he was at home in soul and lost within his thoughts.
The slap upon his back quickly pulled him back into reality. 

“Never seen you this damn silent around free liquor and loose pussy there Poe, what, you having second thoughts?”

Roy Harris, the president of the club everyone called Mako, said.
Roy always called him Poe simply for the fact Mark was a poet, well if you could call it that.
And also because Mark was just an all around grim bastard.

“Shit, how can I not be having second thoughts? This is my life brother but I just can't lose Sandy.”

“Well you know we're not going to just let you walk away from this right?  

“Yeah what are you going to do, kill me, chop me up into little pieces and feed me to the shark's, chief? Of course you’ll probably want to save certain parts. Don't tell me you haven't wanted to savor these nuts for a while sweetheart.”

Roy looked at Mark with that shit eating grin he was known for.

“Yeah if I was that way sugar pants I think I rather choke on a   
Kielbasa rather than slurp on vienna sausage junior.”

The two men just looked at each other and busted up laughing.

“I’m going to miss the hell out of you chief.”

“You’ll be back you miserable fuck, besides who the hell leaves all this to move to Ohio?”

“It’s where Sandys family is, and I already got work at her fathers garage so it’s not like I'm running off to nothing.”

“Yeah a squares existence riding on the weekends if you’re lucky. Pretty soon you’ll be swapping out your Harley along with your balls for a station wagon and an easy chair you lame fuck!”

Mark understood why Roy was hurt; they had started this MC from scratch and carved a path straight through hell together.
But shit was getting more and more dangerous with every passing day.

Scotland Neck was a nowhere town where the Wendigos were born. Their club was a band of misfits and all around tough bastards. Their main source of income was running meth and this little nowhere town was a perfect center of operations.

Mark knew this departure was going to sting no matter how he tried to play it off.

And later, as he and his brothers said their farewells underneath that full moon, he could not bear to look back as he fired up his bike.
They were all far from angels but they were the only true family he ever knew and the guilt of turning his back upon them was a burden he knew somehow deep down he would never escape.

Later that night he laid in bed with Sandy in the dark of their bedroom staring at the ceiling.

It’s in the silence the ghosts of regret truly haunt a man the most.
Sandy rolled over and laid her head upon his chest.
As Mark stroked that long dark hair of hers.

If not for Sandy he would ride until his demise with  the Wendigos; she had saved him as much as he had rescued her from her abusive shit bag of an ex.

“I know what you did was hard, baby and I’m sorry but you know we cannot stay here anymore.”

"I know sugar.”

It was as they began to kiss Mark heard the roar of the engines headed down the highway.

As quickly the bedroom was illuminated by the lights of the bikes.

“Mark what the hell is going on!”

“Get out of here hit the woods and get to the neighbor’s farm and don't come back. I will come for you after I clear up whatever the fuck this is.”


“Just fucking get moving and take this.”

Mark said as he placed the beretta in her hand.

Mark didn't wait for a reply for one thing for certain, when the devil comes knocking, you better be ready to answer the door or haul ass
And running wasn't an option right now.

Mark didn't hesitate as he approached the door and for him that was a very unfortunate mistake.

As no sooner had he opened the door, than he was met by the searing pain as the pepper spray blinded him instantly.

He collapsed to the floor, met by boot heels slamming into his ribcage.
For no matter how big the man, the numbers game always works because that Hollywood Bruce Lee horse shit looked good on screen and that was about it.

“Hey there Poe, damn you didn't think we would let you leave without giving you a real send off did you motherfucker?”

Mark heard Roy say as he quickly kicked him in the face, breaking his nose.

 Mark went unconscious.

But it was the pain that brought him back. He awoke as he felt something bite into his wrist.

As someone flung a beer in his face.

“Have a drink you piece of shit! Enjoy your nap?”

The room erupted in laughter.

“Let’s just finish this and be done with this shit man!”

Mark heard Victor say.

“Shut the fuck up kid! or I will shackle you to this cocksucker and let you fry together got it!” 

“Roy, you mother fucker! Why the fuck are you doing this just because I’m leaving the goddamed club! I founded this club with you. You fucking bastard!”

“I don't give a flying fuck that you’re leaving asshole! You tried to bring us down. The fucking feds tried busting the lab down in Ranchland. Stupid bastards got there too late, didn't find shit.”

“Are you out of your mind? Why would I rat on something that made me money as well, you idiot!”

“Beats the shit out of me, but that pussy of yours seems to have infected your brain you dumb fuck! Hell, where are my manners? Boys bring that sweet piece in here. Hate for her to miss the festivities.”

Mark struggled to breathe as his eyes still burned as he struggled to regain his sight.

He heard Sandy's screams as someone dragged her into the garage where Mark sat handcuffed to his work bench.

Mark knew the pleading was pointless. Roy was nicknamed Mako for a reason for when he committed himself to violence, he was a ruthless killing machine.

His sadistic streak is what people feared about him. Mostly everyone except Mark, who could be beyond cold himself but never did he take glee in doing shit that had to be done. It was a job and nothing more.

He knew death was always in the cards but for a moment with Sandy Mark saw a glimmer of hope if only he could escape this hell that was his everyday existence.

But when you play cards with the devil the house always wins.

Sandy screamed. She was quickly silenced, being knocked to the floor by Tank, Roy’s mountain of an enforcer.

“Now, now Tank, don't mess old Sandy bottoms face up too bad. I mean I may want to take her for one last spin before the party's over.”

“Roy you mother fucker! Just let her go, this isn't how we do shit!”

“You’re right Poe. This isn't how we do shit. Boys take her to the bedroom. I don't want lover boy here having to bear witness to his little angel getting all soiled by us heathens.”

Sandy screamed as the men hauled her off. The screams were the only thing Mark could hear as they were his constant that drowned out his former friend's psycho babble.

Only Tank and Roy stayed behind, as Tank closed the door muffling Sandy's screams.

Roy stood over his former friend who was a bleeding mess upon the floor.

“Look asshole, I’m going to make this real simple because I got a date with your old lady in there you see.”

“Your going to fucking die and its going to be a truly exquisite death.
But first I'm gonna let Tank here soften you up a bit. It's been real motherfucker. See you in hell, my friend.”


Mark shouted as struggled to get up as no sooner did feel the lug wrench crash down upon his head.
There is a point when your body loses all sense of everything as it goes into shock.

Mark felt his cheek bone shatter as his sight went from his left eye .
As he laid there broken, the screams of his wife echoing within his mind.

He lost track of everything as yet again he slipped off into unconsciousness.

It was only when the house was engulfed in smoke did he awake.
Mark could barely breathe as it was, let alone in total agony as he struggled to stand. 

The fire was engulfing the house and he knew he had to somehow get free or soon he would burn.

He fumbled, reaching for anything on his bench he could use.
His vision was down to only one slightly blurry eye.
He turned over things, trying to grasp anything of use.

Finally he reached and grabbed something solid.

As the flames now ate through the door and filled the garage.

Mark realized he was holding his hatchet.
His body went into autopilot after that. He knew he chopped through his wrist but could not recall the pain. Everything was pain from that moment on.

The only thing that Mark Flynn could recall was reaching his bedroom and seeing Sandy dead upon the bed.

It's said it took two firemen to pull the man from his wife that night.
As he was burnt and broken upon every level.

As he struggled to breathe and in spite of his pleas to let him die, he somehow would survive.

The devil truly did await him and his former brothers known as the Wendigos. But as for that said gathering in hell, the Devil was going to have to take a rain check.

For Mark Flynn in spite of being broken, was still very much alive
And that meant big trouble for the riders of hell.
For no one can hate better than family and next time around the reaper was coming to this fractured family's reunion.

 John Patrick Robbins, is the editor in chief of The Rye Whiskey Review and the author of The Still Night Sessions from Whiskey City Press. 

His work has been published here at The Dope Fiend Daily, The San Antonio Review, Fixator Press, Fearless Poetry Zine, Piker Press, The San Pedro River Review, Lothorian Poetry Journal, Red Fez, Punk Noir Magazine. 

His work is always unfiltered. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Crucifixion Pose by Kevin M. Hibshman

Metaphorically speaking,
You do seem suspended but I believe by
your own will.

We have each visited unique Golgothas.
Spent those forty days and forty nights facing it down.
Sweating it out to whatever end.

You have indeed felt vertebrae twist.

We all stand alone, betrayed upon our hill having
carried a cross.
You do a lovely crucifixion pose although I do note
a lack of blood.

Kevin M. Hibshman has had poems, reviews and collages published in numerous publications world wide. Most recently, his work has been published by Rye Whiskey Review, Drinkers Only, The Crossroads and 1870. In addition to editing his own poetry e-zine, FEARLESS, he has authored sixteen chapbooks including: Incessant Shining (Alternating Current, 2011) and Love Sex Death Dreams (Green Bean Press, 2000). His latest book "Just Another Small town story" (Whiskey City Press) can be found at Amazon.

Monday, August 2, 2021

In the Groove by Daniel S. Irwin

Ya gotta be a little unique or
Original to be in the groove.
Regular grind is just too bland.
Conformity levels the field
So absolutes can rise above
The plain of mundane masses.
Is it, weed kills, Jesus saves?
We heard all that before.  But,
Maybe Jesus kills, weed saves.
Pate de foie gras is actually
Made from enlarged goose livers
Created by shoving loads
Of goose feed down the
Goose’s throat.  No, really.
My liver might be ready
After all the false truths and
Half promises I’ve been fed.

Daniel S. Irwin, a native of Sparta, Illinois.  Retired military.  Dudeist priest.  Dedicated heathen. Work published in over one hundred magazines and journals world wide.  Founder of The Hardened Sailors’ School of Vulgar Vernacular (now disbanded). Latest work can be found at/in Horror, Sleaze, Trash Magazine, Beatnik Cowboy, Cajun Mutt, The Rye Whiskey Review.  

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Making Feminism Great Again by India LaPlace

Today a man spit in my face.
Then, while he held my head in place
until my throat relaxed around his cock,
and moved me into a position
where he could force a toy up my ass,
I thought about how he had voted for Trump.
I wondered if I was a disgrace to feminism.
And then I came.

Previously published at Horror Sleaze trash and in Sad Discoveries 

India LaPlace is kind of like if a dive bar and a dumpster fire had a human baby. She is a poet from the United States and a single mom who is aspiring to be a person with self discipline. Associate Editor at the sensational Horror Sleaze Trash. Generally pleasant, naturally cynical. Easily won over by a good book and a twisted sense of humor. You can find her on Instagram: @indiabrittany

She still loves Louis C.K. 

The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson

The leaves scuttle, are singed and the meat is pink if you  Stab it just a bit it oozes blood Like your tender astronomy A side of sidereal,...