Monday, April 29, 2019

Desert Dare by Leah Mueller

“I bet you could smuggle heroin
 across the border.”
                                                  He lay across from me on the mattress
                                                  and smirked, because he already knew
                                                  what my answer would be.

“Just stick it in your vagina.
If the customs guard questions you,
smile and look like a suburban mom.
They’ll never suspect anything.”

                                                 He’d smuggled heroin himself,
                                                 in a different orifice, back in the 1970s,
                                                 before numerous stints in jail and rehab.

“Everyone should try heroin before they die.
It’s good for writing poetry
and besides, you’ll lose weight.”

                                                He knew people on the other side.
                                                They were always holding.
                                                If I wanted, we could leave right away.
                                               We only needed to drive for twenty minutes
                                                to get to the Arizona/Mexico border.

“Maybe some other time,” I said.

                                                 I’d lived forty years without intravenous drug use,
                                                 and had no desire to start that evening.
                                                 I just wanted to have wild sex
                                                 and go to sleep, like a normal couple.

 “Shit,” he complained.
“You’re so middle-class.”

About Leah Mueller:

Leah Mueller is an indie writer and spoken word performer from Tacoma, Washington. She is the author of two chapbooks and four books. Her next book, "Misguided Behavior, Tales of Poor Life Choices" will be published by Czykmate Press in Autumn, 2019. Leah’s work appears or is forthcoming in Blunderbuss, The Spectacle, Outlook Springs, Mojave River Review, Atticus Review, Your Impossible Voice, Barnhouse, and other publications. She was a featured poet at the 2015 New York Poetry Festival, and a runner-up in the 2012 Wergle Flomp humor poetry contest.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Killing Without Kindness by Rathnar Kilbane

I was drinking ale from my mighty Cyclops horn reflecting upon future battles and what lucky wench I would conquer later to show her the spoils of war.

And allow her choke up my mighty broadsword.
I farted to amuse my men at the table.
And thought of old friends I had to kill and cannibalize to get here.

And how tender Oxnar The Mighty was.
I believe he was hiding a secret from me.

 For only the men of the cult of eternal bath houses were this tender.

It is a shame what secrets brothers keep from one another.

Of course had he only known when I told him to look at the mighty cave troll with a dripping tentacle was merely a ruse for me to bury my battle axe in his skull he probably would be kind of upset with me.

He died with honor like a real man.
And as I pillage the village of Chuck E. Cheese tonight I will think of him as I disembowel that stuffed rat.

Yes the beauty of the battle is almost enough to make the salt water fall from my eyes.

But as I learned from the sea witch Fergie big girls don't cry.
But they certainly do scream as you burn them at stake.

Be well my friends.

Taken from the great scroll of the battle of Muffin Top Mountain and ski resort.

About Rathnar Kilbane:

Is the poet laureate of Iceland.

His praise has been sung by his countrymen for years.

When not slaughtering and feasting upon his victims Rathnar enjoys watching cooking shows on the food network and playing Xbox crushing the hopes and dreams of small children.

Rathnar's work has appeared in.

Seven Swords Of Venom, The Old Witches Smelly Cave Wall, Wolfs Heart Quarterly, The New Yorker, The Wrong Whole Review.

He is currently on tour in the states doing readings.

And killing his audiences literally.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Donna DeBonise by Dan Provost

The first love of my life…
I would suck
in my fat when
she walked by with
her zit-faced best friend
Laura Stark.

I asked her out in 7th and
8th grade…

Her, being the master of
my seventh-grade erections…

Then my eight-grade
frustrations since I
had no idea what
masturbation was.

Both times she thought
about it, then told
her pimply sidekick
to tell me

I haven’t been the
same since
I guess that’s a bad thing.

About Dan Provost: 

Dan Provost's poetry has been published throughout the small press for many years.  He is the author of nine books and lives in Berlin, New Hampshire with his wife, Laura--and their Bichon Frisce...Bella.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Slivers by John Doyle

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard 
Anne Sexton

'Mourning' is such a stagnant word,
a forensic patch one's grief clings to;
If our lives unhinged our souls from these
wintry spells, though intermittent, somehow the storms would never fully pass -
and if you're not careful,
our feet will twist like fork-lightning, body's loss-filled rhythm.
Anne Sexton homed in her co-ordinates
due south of peaceful climes; I watched, the window pane as sharp as knife
cutting blood from eager tongues, elderly folk from the bowling club saw nothing
(or at least it seemed that way, as they sipped their tea, and chattered).
I remembered Alan, my old boss
in the netherworlds of horned beasts and
sons called Ethan riding bikes
on the soreness
of blistered moons; he measured each passing day,
a chisel that pierced his veins, and drove him wild in the dying forests;
there was nothing left for Alan,
overachieving every goal he set, except how to breath, how to see.
We mourn our dew-glazed kin,
we mourn Squanto, planting maize
in worlds built for God, the four elements
Caelus gave us -
fire, water, earth, and slivered glass of sea.
Let the Englishman's God rest his florid crown,
pray that maize will grow like glass falls
from shattered windows,
the rapture matching the soul's lost weekend of rhythm.
Oh Alan, oh Anne, I have the wildest dreams some nights,
I see you as Adam and Eve, and the forests are a circuit board
lingering in electric-blue digital light

About John Doyle:
John Doyle is at present watching Rocky V and wondering why he could have been at such a loose-end to be reduced to this, I mean, seriously... 
He accepts all major credit cards, but will start dancing a whole lot sooner if you just point a gun at his feet and fire at will.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Solivagant Soul by Amit Parmessur

He proudly lights a cig in the
bus filled with Sunday people. With
the conductor too effete to
tell him off, the smoke stirs livid

looks. He swears in the language of
a faraway father, feeling
hot and frustrated with someone’s
pretty wife just in front. Looking

at the scenery through the stained
window, he gulps some local rum,
his Rasta headband swaying to
every whim of the tired driver.

Drunk, he soon falls asleep after
a few drags on the bent cig that
drops from his old, wrinkled fingers.
After being mocked by well-dressed
passengers, he wakes up to have

a few more puffs, starting to swear
again (this time in his mother
tongue). He looks wildly for the cig
that has wandered into someone

else’s territory. He then
worsens the situation by
releasing from his shirt pocket
stolen coins, with them scattering

everywhere like the rapid shells
of paralysed tortoises. Shamed,
he sits erect, and smiles at the
Sunday people—very kindly.

About Amit Parmessur:

Born in Mauritius, Amit Parmessur is a poet and teacher. His writing has appeared in over 160 magazines, namely Galaktika Poetike, WINK, The Rye Whiskey Review, Night Garden Journal, Ann Arbor Review and Ethos Literary Journal. He loves to pick off past experiences and turn them over in the light. A one-time Pushcart and two-time Best of the Web nominee, he nowadays edits The Pangolin Review.

Monday, April 22, 2019

An Actual Turd by Brian Rihlmann

we believe
we must have
our "shit together"

you know...
the car shiny
the bed made
the house clean
and bills paid

(hey, that rhymes!)

own the latest gadgets
and the newest fashions
have our hair glued into place
just right

the garage organized
on top of things at work
our relationships in order

only healthy
loving relationships

and only with those
who have their
"shit together" too

we must have
all this

or there is unease...

but how do we expect this
when we can't even
squeeze out
an actual turd
the way we would like?

one swipe

About Brian Rihlmann:

Brian Rihlmann was born in NJ, and currently lives in Reno, NV. He writes mostly semi autobiographical, confessional free verse. He has been published in Constellate Magazine, Under The Bleachers, Cajun Mutt Press, and has an upcoming piece in The American Journal Of Poetry.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Consumption by Tony Pena

Fuck that eyes
be the window 
of the soul shit
as pretty blues pry 
my skull open only
to loot my mind
for gold nuggets
to drop as bait 
at the bar to snag 
a cowboy who looks 
like a young Robert 
Redford and fucks
like Charlie 
the chihuahua 
thinking a leg
a bitch in heat.

About Tony Pena:

Tony Pena was selected as 2017-2018 Poet Laureate for the city of Beacon, New York.  
A new volume of poetry and flash fiction, "Blood and Beats and Rock n Roll," is available now at Amazon.   His publication credits include   "Dogzplot,"   "Gutter Eloquence," “Hudson Valley Transmitter,” “Misfit Magazine,” "Red Fez," “Rye Whiskey Review,”  "Slipstream,"  "Underground Voices," "Zygote in my Coffee,"  and others as well as a self published chapbook, "Opening night in Gehenna."
Colorful compositions and caterwauling with a couple of chords can be seen at:

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Expensive Prayer by Ahmad Al-Khatat

I wish I had more mistakes than sins
I want to have my brain cells fully damaged
as the friend I always trusted before is
now a dark cloud in my miserable season
Love is blind more than love is happiness
as it is an expensive prayer for me
even my siblings are deaf to hear the beats
of my broken heart from the liquor I drink
Grains of salt are above the roof of my mouth
meanwhile, I never swam in a salty ocean
nor; added salt on my tasteless plates of food
I just lick salt off my hand after I drink a few shots
I respect more faces then they deserve
only death is the path to end my anxieties
dark poems won't solve anything about life
those tears will later fall along with ruby blood

About Ahmad Al-Khatat:

Ahmad Al-Khatat, was born in Baghdad, Iraq on May 8th. He has been published in several press publications and anthologies all over the world and has poems translated in several languages. He has published two poetry books “The Bleeding Heart Poet” and “Love On The War’s Frontline” which are available on Amazon. Most of his new and old poems are also available on his official page Bleeding Heart Poet on Facebook. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

I've Given Up Frosting For Lent by John Dorroh

There are no signs announcing that you
have arrived in Bumpass, Virginia, nor is there any
rationale for why we detoured to take a picture.
I wanted frosting in a bad way and stopped
at the Piggly Wiggly to buy a cardboard can of blue Duncan Hines,
a ham steak, and locally produced strawberry jam.

Trending are tall cakes with two-inch frosting
that I want to apply onto the back of your neck with a putty knife.
They are eating cake without it, enjoying it without fat…bullshit.
Give me frosting with flour, eggs, sugar, and baking soda.
Give me the law to cram down your throat. Give me a spoon
to dig into the can and smear on the small of your back.

I am celebrating the death of thick colored lard with sugar,
red dye #10 and filamentous crystals, pulverized at the factory
with commercial rollers and antiseptic sprays. I am living
on the edge of the edge of the wall, the sweet divisionous sector
of pious disrespect for science and order.

I am in love with frosting, froth, and frenzy; with Bumpass, Virginia,
and the manager of Piggly Wiggly, who gave me a hug and a coupon
for one free ham steak with the purchase of a slab of Wright’s bacon.

About John Dorroh:

Whether John Dorroh taught any high school biology is still up for grabs. However, he showed up every morning at 6:45 with at least two lesson plans. His poetry has appeared in Suisun Valley Review, Dime Show Review, Rat's Ass Review, Sick Lit, Walk Write-up, Indigent press, and others. He also dabbles with short fiction and the occassional rant.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

you would make your own by J.J. Campbell

sometimes the drugs
just don't pack the
same punch

the bottle gets lower
and lower

faster each damn day

you would make your
own but you know the
fucker next door would
call the cops, accusing
you of cooking meth

that old fucker will
die soon

and hopefully the
new neighbors

won't mind the fumes

About J.J. Campbell:

J.J. Campbell (1976 - ?) is trapped in suburbia, wondering where the lonely housewives are. He's been widely published over the years, most recently at Fourth & Sycamore, Horror Sleaze Trash, Synchronized Chaos, The Stray Branch and Red Eft Review. You can find him most days bitching about something on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (

Monday, April 15, 2019

Woman by Ashely Cooke

There is enough of her for us all
every seam is spilling over
exposing all that she is
the beautiful endlessness
trapped in a body far too small
for her beautiful mind

that seems to be never ending.

About Ashley Cooke: 

Ashley Cooke is a creative writing major attending Long Beach City College. She is from Long Beach, CA. She is currently working on her first poetry collection

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Chit-Chat by David Boski

I know a few people
who constantly want to
be around others
socializing and talking
about nothing in particular.
It doesn’t even matter,
as long as they’re not alone,
that’s the only thing
they can’t stand.
So, every night they make
plans to see somebody,
to spend time with another
mouth breather, and
sometimes these people
ask me to join them, and
sometimes I say yes,
but mostly I make an excuse,
or just tell them that I’m busy.
It’s not that I don’t like them;
some I consider friends, while
others are merely acquaintances.
It’s just that human beings
tend to drain my energy
and the conversations often
become tedious, which leads
me to buying more expensive
drinks at the bar, as every one
helps cut through the monotony.
And as I sit here writing this poem,
none of these people have contacted
me yet tonight; hopefully, it stays that
way, cause I’m in no mood for chit-chat.

About David Boski:

David Boski lives in Toronto, his poems have appeared in: Under The Bleachers, Down in the Dirt, Horror Sleaze Trash, Synchronized Chaos, Winamop, Outlaw Poetry, Spadina Literary Review, and elsewhere. His forthcoming chapbook "Perhaps You're A Cunt?" will be released by Analog Submission Press soon. Holy&intoxicated Publications will be releasing his second chapbook "Fist Fighting and Fornication" in the summer months. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Damnation Radio Station by John Patrick Robbins

I will take the backseat over the confessional any day of the week.
I rather commit some fine feeling sins than speak over them to get some priest off.

I rather drink whiskey and toss aside the wine.

I do not believe I care to repent because it's not even last call and I have a few more rules I can possibly break.

I never worry over being judged.
But I have some concerns over where I will get the cash for my bail.

I'm too old for this shit.
But I never found Sunday school all that appealing.

Live your life standing upon your own two feet rather building up callouses upon your knees.

Life's too short to worry about the invisible man's wrath.

See ya in a warmer climate just in case I'm wrong.

About John Patrick Robbins:

   John Patrick Robbins
Is the editor of The Rye Whiskey Review, Under The Bleachers and Drinkers Only.

He is also the Author of Smoking At The Gas Pumps by Soma Publishing.

His work has also been published here at the,
Dope Fiend Daily, Ariel Chart, The San Pedro River Review, The Mojave River Review, Stanzaic Stylings, Blognostics,  Red Fez,  Punk Noir Magazine,  Blue Pepper, Angry Old Man Magazine, Spill The Words, Academy Of The Heart And Mind, Piker Press, A Beautiful Space.

His work is always unfiltered 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Beth Gibbons and Rustin Man by John Doyle

Autumn, gunshot-red, starving sun shedding solar fat;
a song is bronze at dusk, firefly moonlight; I coil my serpent-kiss,
erotic must, old sea-chart books,
cool laughing rain under the hissing-trees with lovers.

The witches sink in pale-white oceans,
dervishes that mock vastness of space,
and the flickering blue-dashed lunar
shades, wizened hands, nubile magi called Ash and Hollie

About John Doyle:

John Doyle is at present watching Rocky V and wondering why he could have been at such a loose-end to be reduced to this, I mean, seriously... 
He accepts all major credit cards, but will start dancing a whole lot sooner if you just point a gun at his feet and fire at will.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Haunted by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

Did you know
your house was haunted?
Don’t go now.
You always liked a mystery.
Don’t leave me.
I’m just a friendly ghost.
Don’t you want to be friends?

It’s all good.
Are feeling imposed on?
I’m so small.
You won’t even notice me.
I won’t show you my scar.

Just get high,
It’s not my place to say.
I’m afraid.
It’s getting cold in this house.
I can’t bear it.

Just get high,
my lips are mum my friend.
I don’t judge.
It’s getting so cold in here.
We need to get along.

No one knows
I’m running around these parts.
Some things are
best to leave at home.
I’ve waited so long for you.

This is our
place to be.

It’s all right.
If I can interject
a small word,
you are beautiful
like my favorite tv show star.

It’s too late.
You look so tired
and sick of being haunted.
Just get high,
now who will say anything?
I’m just a ghost 
who is down and out.
I can’t bear being alone.

Just get high,
It’s all you seem to do.
I can understand why.
It’s the only thing to do sometimes 
when there’s a lack of understanding.

About Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal:

Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal, born in Mexico, lives in Southern California, and works in the mental health field in Los Angeles. His first book of poems, Raw Materials, was published by Pygmy Forest Press. His poetry online and in print has appeared in Ariel Chart, Blue Collar

Review, Kendra Steiner Editions, Mad Swirl, Unlikely Stories, and Yellow Mama Magazine.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Space Station By Wayne F. Burke

The engineer from NASA
came to the college to speak about
space stations
and was through his talk
and taking questions
when a stout glasses-wearing man
with bushy hair and moustache
stood and pointed to the
who looked like a Kennedy--
and said, “this man does not have a political thought
in his head!”
And the engineer said, “that is not true,
Murry,” and
the crowd looked from one man
to the other
and Murry wondered aloud who
would live in the space stations
and answered: “the rich!”
and the crowd stirred
and the engineer fidgeted,
looking less Ivy League,
more State College,
and Murry began to tear into NASA’s “non-political
automatons” as the
engineer began to wilt in the sun
shining down
on the trees and grass
from the electric blue sky.

About Wayne F. Burke: 

Wayne F. Burke has published six full-length volumes of poetry, most recently DIFLUCAN (BareBack Press, 2019).
A link to the book:

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Never Wear a Hat to a Strip Club by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

It was my birthday
and I was young and stupid

and when the dancer came on
she took my hat and put it on her head
and rode the pole like bucking
a bronco

and the next dancer that came on
didn’t have my hat

and when it reappeared 
three dancers later
it was rubbed in places
and smelled of rotten fish

but I still put it on my head
and walked out of that joint
like some long lost conqueror
of something

because I was young
and drunk


About Ryan Quinn Flanagan:

Ryan Quinn Flanagan guards the Northern Wall for The Frat with his army of horny unicorns and 4/5ths of the Village People.  His private jet is a tax write-off and most of his first edition moose dulaps as well.  He is Scott's Simmons' father and wants Scott to know that he has been a very naughty boy and to get the spanking paddle out of the closet.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019





About K.W. Peery:

Americana songwriter and Kansas-City-based storyteller K.W. Peery is the author of eight poetry collections: 
Tales of a Receding Hairline; Purgatory; Wicked Rhythm; Ozark Howler; Gallatin Gallows; 
Howler Holler; Bootlegger’s Bluff; Cockpit Chronicles. 

His work is included in the Vincent Van Gogh Anthology Resurrection of a Sunflower, 
The Cosmic Lost and Found: An Anthology of Missouri Poets (Spartan Press), 
Best of Mad Swirl Anthology 2018 and the Walsall Poetry Society Anthology, Diverse Verse II & III. 

Peery’s work has been published in The Main Street Rag, Chiron Review, San Pedro River Review, 
The Gasconade Review, Big Hammer, Blink Ink, Rusty Truck, Mad Swirl, Veterans Voices Magazine, 
Outlaw Poetry, Mojave River Review, The Asylum Floor, Horror Sleaze Trash, Ramingo's Porch, 
From Whispers to Roars, Culture Cult Magazine, The Rye Whiskey Review, Drinkers Only Magazine, 
Under The Bleachers, The Dope Fiend Daily, Stanzaic Stylings Literary Ezine and Apache Poetry. 

Credited as a lyricist and producer, Peery's work appears on more than twenty studio albums over the past decade.


Monday, April 1, 2019

Inside The Crack House With David Boski

Question 1:
How often does Little Richard leave a golden shower under your pillow and could please you describe the taste and texture of the experience?

What the fuck man, are you the American Nardwuar? who told you about this? anyways, he’s a fucking dinosaur; he has no prostate so it’s something he can’t control, but I’m not into golden showers so I didn’t taste anything. I learned quickly to lock my door, but not before I needed some new pillows and a mattress, my room still smells though.

Question 2:
What do you think is the main philosophy of extra extra creamy milkshakes?

Keep ‘em lactating.

 Question 3:
 Do morbidly obese unicorns also make you extremely horny or is that just me?

That’s just you tough stuff, but there’s a market for everything.  Just roll them in flour and aim for the wet spot, albeit it’s probably hard to roll over an obese unicorn, plus there’s that fucking horn; anyways, I think it was Shakespeare who said: “the bigger the unicorn, the better the blow job” or maybe it was Gandhi, either way.

Question 4:
What is your favorite kind of alcohol to drink while driving on the sidewalk?

Quite frankly, I don’t really care, so long as it’s getting the job done.

Question 5:
Would you agree that there is an secret organisation of inter dimensional Dolphins that are plotting to deplete the world’s supply of Mountain Dew and KY?

Fuck, I hope so. Although, what will people in West Virginia drink if the Dolphins get rid of all the Mountain Dew? Also, what will the Vatican replace the KY with? I need answers; actually no, no I don’t, I don’t care.

Question 6:
Are you currently a nudist if so could you please send me some pictures for some scientific research?

I don’t currently identify as a nudist, which is probably good for everybody else.

Question 7:
Explain your opinions on the new death metal album by Joni Mitchell and the back street boys?

It’s fucking terrible. Sounds better when you play it backwards see: don’t was your time.

 Question 8:
 As a Canadian how often do you shoot up maple syrup and moose cum?

Not often enough; you can’t get the good shit anymore, just last week they found a ton of both laced with fentanyl. Drug dealers have no morals anymore, no quality control. Things haven’t been the same since Tom Green humped that dead moose.

Question 9:
What sacrifice will you offer to me as my new rein as the supreme princess/ Aphrodite of the universe?

Rupi Kaur, all her fans, and anybody who ever purchased “Keep Calm and Carry On” shit from Ikea. Unless that’s you, in which case, I don’t apologize, kill yourself.

Question 10:
Would you rather do Jello body shots on Barney or the entire Brady Bunch?

Too many fuckers in the Brady Bunch, if it was the females only I’d have taken all those grandmas, but so long as Barney is wearing his suit and it’s not the fucking creep underneath, I’ll go Barney. Anyways, it’s been a slice. Get help, no, don’t. It’s more fun that way. What the fuck am I even talking aboot?!

The Revolution by Night by Alex S. Johnson

The leaves scuttle, are singed and the meat is pink if you  Stab it just a bit it oozes blood Like your tender astronomy A side of sidereal,...